2,980Grants to


Loveridge Sunbird (Nectarinia loveridgei)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 140510086

Conserving loveridges Sunbird's habitat in Uluguru Nature Reserve for enhancing loveridges sunbird's management and protection.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 140510086) - Loveridge Sunbird - Awarded $4,990 on January 23, 2015

1. MISSION: CONASU is a Non-Government Organization intending to improve community livelihoods and natural resources sustainability in Tanzania Mainland for Poverty alleviation and environmental conservation through gender involvement and good governance by way of service delivery, Advocacy, Lobbying, Training and Research. 2. MAIN OBJECTIVE: To improve conservation in Tanzania Mainland through training, research and field oriented services delivery. 3. ESTABLISHMENT: CONASU was established in December year 2009 as Community Based Group of Young Environmental Activist in Morogoro Rural. Its vision came to extend coverage of implementation where in May 20, year 2011 it was registered as Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating in Tanzania Mainland with registration number 0NGO/00004610. 4. Geographical Area of the project The project supported by Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ) expected to cover the three (3) villages adjacent to Northern Uluguru Nature Reserve (UNR). 5. The target habitat to had be covered by the organisation was Loveridges Sunbirds' habitat in Uluguru Nature Reserve (UNR).

The project implementation involved training villagers on undertaking patrol, making local energy saving stoves and beekeeping project for livelihoods improvements.   

Upon the project implemetation from Jaanuary 2015 to July 2015, the project has revealed that the villagers in  Mambani, Kibogwa and Kifuru village have increased their involvement in management and protection of above species habitat by undertaking regular patrol, improving the use of local made energy saving stoves at households and livelihoods practices. 

The success brought by the implemeted project had brought altitude change among the community where also influenced other stakeholders to support the efforts especially governmental officials. The project team and implementing organisation (Conservation of Nature for Survival) is on view to scale up the initiative covering other villages which  didn't participate in this project implementation.  

Project 140510086 location - Tanzania, Africa