2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 13256063

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256063) - Socorro Dove - Awarded $12,500 on June 25, 2013

The Institute of Ecology, A. C. (INECOL) is a publicly funded federal institution affiliated to Mexico´s National Council of Science and Technology whose mandate is to carry out research of quality and train professionals in the fields of ecology, biodiversity and systematics, conservation and management of natural resources. The father of UNESCO´s Mexican Biosphere Reserves was the founding director of INECOL and currently the focal point of UNESCO´s MAB Reserves is another former director. INECOL´s botanical garden hosts the most important collections of endangered species in Mexico. INECOL was established on 7 August 1975. The location of the proposed project is Isla Socorro, Revillagigedo Archipelago. The primary objective of this project is to establish a habitat restoration strategy in the areas where the Socorro Dove will be reintroduced after 40 years of being extinct in the wild. This is the first time a bird species in that conservation category returns to its home thanks to captive breeding efforts initiated ca. 80 years ago. Habitat restoration efforts also will benefit other critically endangered and endangered species on Socorro Island such as the Socorro Mockingbird, the Socorro Parakeet, Townsend´s Shearwater and the Socorro Blue Lizard. Socorro Island is an AZE site that contains the larger concentration of endangered bird species in Mexico. Current erradication efforts as well as a breeding station build collaboratively with the Mexican Navy provide the material basis for a successful re-introduction and re-establishement of the Socorro Dove on its ancestral island.

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