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MBZ Blog

Thriving African Wild Dog Population Confirmed in Kenya

With a grant from the Fund, the African Wild Dog Conservancy has confirmed the existence of a significant and widely distributed wild dog population in the North East and Coast Provinces of Kenya, from just north of the equator to the Indian Ocean, and near the Kenya/Somalia border region to Tsavo National Park. This wild dog population was previously unknown to the international conservation community.

african wild dogs

Given the limited availability of water for human settlement, relatively low density of people, and that the dominate ethnic group living in much of the core area does not hunt game (wild dog prey species), this region is a potential long-term stronghold for this endangered canid.

Also promising, interviews with locals indicate that wild dogs accounted for only 4% of overall livestock losses to predators; approximately half of those losses occurred in one area. All reported losses due to wild dogs occurred while grazing, not in bomas where livestock is kept. This information will be incorporated into AWD’s  education outreach program.

Overall, the program is very interesting and we encourage you to visit AWD’s website to learn more about their project at http://www.awdconservancy.org/

Red-shanked douc of Loas

Two time Fund grant recipient Camille Coudrat recently informed us that she published the results of her first grant in the Journal Oryx. The Fund provided financial support to Dr Coudrat to study a population of Red-shanked douc in Laos. After walking 300km along transects in the Nakai–Nam Theun National Protected Area, she estimated that more than 4,000 groups of these non-human primates inhabit this part of east central Laos. Possibly comprising the most significant population of these Endangered primates.

red-shanked douc

Through a second grant, the Fund is helping Dr Coudrat establish a research and outreach center for the continued study of this important population. Dr Coudrat will investigate the behavioral ecology of Red-shanked douc and work with the local community to help ensure its long-term survival.

For more information about this project and the work of Dr Coudrat and her colleagues visit the Conservation Laos webiste.

Andros Rock Iguana study supports expansion of National Park

Iguana with Giermo

Mr. and Mrs. Giuliano Colosimo

The Fund provided support to Mr. Giuliano Colosimo, a graduate student at Mississippi State University, to study the population genetics of Andros Rock Iguanas in the Bahamas. Although Andros is considered to be the largest island of the Bahamas archipelago, it is composed of four large landmasses, North Andros, Mangrove Cay and Alcorine Cay, and South Andros, separated by saline tidal channels called bights. Giuliano wanted to know whether or not these landmasses were home to genetically distinct sub-populations of iguanas.

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