14-10-2024 - Bighead striped catfish
Catfish lined bighead (Pseudoplatystoma orinocoense) and catfish lined tumame (Pseudoplatystoma metaense) of the river Arauca binational.
View Bighead striped catfish project
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The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 216 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $2,166,388.
Catfish lined bighead (Pseudoplatystoma orinocoense) and catfish lined tumame (Pseudoplatystoma metaense) of the river Arauca binational.
View Bighead striped catfish project
Population and habitat assessments of endemic and endangered fish fresh water Glossamia timika in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province, Indonesia
View Timika Mouth Almighty project
Conservation of the critically endangered Kampango fish (Bagrus meridionalis) in Lake Nyasa-Tanzania through community education and empowerment.
View Kampango project
A population trends assessment of the endangered endemic freshwater fish in Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi
View Sarasin's goby project
Restoring a river to create a threatened fish sanctuary in South Africa
View Clanwilliam sandfish project
Conservation Action for Critical Endangered Endemic Fish Species in Sulawesi’s Ancient Lakes
View Duck-billed buntingi project
Population and Habitat assessments of endemic and critically endangered fish fresh water Parosphromenus ornaticauda in West Kalimantan
View Decorated dwarf gourami project
A vital renewal for "Global status and conservation of Tucacas killifish in the coastal plains of Venezuela"
View Tucacas killifish project
The Spiny butterfly ray, one of the Mediterranean’s rarest elasmobranchs, is the focus of this project in the southern Adriatic Sea. Aimed at assessing population frequency, habitat conditions, and threats, the project also promotes awareness and policy initiatives. Despite presumed regional absence, significant records and potential nurseries were identified (Gajić et al., 2023; Gajić & Karalić, 2024).
View Spiny Butterfly Ray project
Population assessment and conservation status of the magangá Potamobatrachus trispinosus endemic to the Rio Tocantins, Amazon basin, Brazil
View Manganga project