2,980Grants to


Dolphin Energy projects

In each funding round, our Advisory Board selects certain projects as Chairmans Awards, guaranteeing them the full funding allocation of $25,000. These projects are not only chosen for their conservation objectives but also for their demonstration of soft conservation skills, including community engagement, stakeholder collaboration, and sustainable management practices.

The following such projects will be supported by Dolphin Energy and are being decided in our upcoming funding round.  Watch this space…

Coming Soon

Bermuda Petrel Recovery Project

Bermuda petrel (Pseudobulweria becki)

Bermuda, North Atlantic Ocean


LiveStreaming / public outreach, building artificial burrows, developing conservation technologies, predator management, genomics

Coming Soon

Iris in Lebanon

Cedar iris (Iris cedreti)

Lebanon, Asia

September 2024

Integrated conservation approach for threatened and endemic Irises of Lebanon

Coming Soon

Critically endangered Volcano Axolotl

Leora's stream salamander (Ambystoma leorae)

Mexico, North America

October 2024

In situ and ex situ community conservation of the critically endangered Volcano Axolotl (Ambystoma leorae), México.