The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund


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Homegrown endowment seeking to empower species conservation globally, embodying the deep-rooted commitment to preserve our natural heritage.

Want to discover the coolest conservation job out there? If you’re not afraid of narrow openings, falling rocks, tight spaces, and deep, dark crevices—along with some creepy-crawly critters you might not even see—then you’re in for a treat! Yep, you guessed it; this episode is all about the amazing world of biospeleology!

Meet Dr. Iva Njunjic, a cave biologist who has explored over 300 caves across Europe and Asia, where she’s discovered species new to science!

Dive into our latest episode of Conservation Calls in the stunning Komarnica Canyon in northwest Montenegro and join us as the Repton Dubai Podcast crew and Chanda Miyanda brings her incredible story to life.

And don’t worry—cave animals are small and not scary at all.  Caves are nutrient-poor habitats, which means they can’t support large animals. Want to know more, listen to the link in the @speciesconbservationfund bio!

PS Be sure to follow, rate, and share our Conservation Calls podcast. Your support means the world to us!

#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #podcast #nextgeneration #youth #sustainability #uae #Montenegro #caves #insects #savekomarnica #canyon #research #caveexploring

Want to discover the coolest conservation job out ...

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The distribution of the Tucacas Killifish, also known as the rain fish, is among the smallest and most geographically restricted of all continental coastal drainages in Venezuela, having been collected from only in few sites despite numerous sampling efforts in the plains (Taphorn & Rodríguez-Olarte 2008, 2015).

With support from the MBZ Fund, Professor Douglas Rodríguez Olarte and his team are undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the Tucacas Killifish’s habitat. Their efforts include identifying and mapping aquatic habitats through field surveys and remote sensing, as well as sampling these habitats to analyze their spatio-temporal variations. Additionally, they aim to determine the species’ global distribution and population status by conducting counts, littoral transects and creating a photographic and video database for each habitat.

This project represents a crucial initiative to enhance the global status and conservation of the Tucacas Killifish in Venezuela’s coastal plains.
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #fish #sustainability #uae #Venezuela #wildlife #nature #animals #support #environment

The distribution of the Tucacas Killifish, also ...

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With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association successfully implemented a crucial initiative aimed at exploring new habitats to enhance the conservation of the threatened Harrison’s giant mastiff bat (Otomops harrisoni) in Rwanda. They were also able to document other cave-dwelling bat species and assess the threats facing these critical habitats, benefiting not only bats but also other species that rely on cave systems.

Beyond research, they embarked on educational outreach in schools and communities near the roosting sites. Through these efforts, they educated children about the vital role of bats in ecosystems, highlighting their ecological benefits and inspiring young minds to take conservation actions to safeguard these unique species.

The impact of this project extends beyond immediate findings, promoting a lasting appreciation for bats and their importance in maintaining ecological balance.

#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #bats #Batsarethebest #savingwildlife #batconservation #wildlifeconservation #Rwanda #VisitRwanda #Africa #wildlife #nature

With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Rwanda ...

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With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Caquetá Association for Ornithology is working to conserve the endangered Black-and-chestnut eagle in Caquetá, Colombia, where the Andes Mountains meet the Amazon watershed.

Their efforts focus on monitoring and protecting eagle nests, researching primary prey species, and collaborating with the community to mitigate eagle-human conflicts. They are developing a viewing platform to observe the chicks and their feeding habits, while also promoting eco-tourism for the benefit of the local community. Camera traps are being installed throughout the region to gain insights into the habitat and its wildlife. Children’s excursions create enthusiasm and curiosity, which spills over to their parents and the broader community.

To encourage acceptance of the eagles and reduce instances of chicken predation, the team is interviewing members of the Sucre community to understand their attitudes towards these magnificent birds and organising educational events to strengthen community ties.

#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #birds #eagle #sustainability #uae #Colombia #wildlife #nature #animals #support #environment

With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Caquetá ...

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