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MBZ Blog

Fund Launches New Website

We redesigned our website. It’s simple. It’s visual. Grant recipients manage their grants and tell their story to the world with video and photography. And it’s all under one address: www.speciesconservation.org Every grant recipient can create their own case study microsite featuring their own multimedia content. Take a look around. We think you will enjoy the journey.

Film Chronicles Conservationists

Dedicated conservationists working with crocodiles in Sri Lanka, zebras in Kenya, birds and plants in Hawaii, hammerhead sharks in Costa Rica, frogs in Ghana, fish in Mexico, and chimpanzees in Uganda will form the cast of an exciting film about the Fund and its grant recipients. The conservationists and their species featured in the film represent the species diversity and global impact of the Fund. The film is a celebration of the hard work, dedication, and personalities of global conservation. The project will be completed in 2013. Stay tuned.

Fund Gives $1.5m to Species Conservation in 2012

The Fund donated $1.5m to species conservation projects in 2012. It supported more than 250 projects in more than 100 different countries. From mushrooms in Greece, saola in Vietnam, vultures in Pakistan, palm trees in New Caledonia, and frogs in South America, the Fund continued its strong support globally of people getting their hands dirty and putting their boots on the ground for threatened species. Continuing this strong tradition, the Fund has earmarked another $1.5m for species conservation in 2013.

Found! NZ Storm Petrel Nesting Site

Researchers are elated to find the sparrow-sized New Zealand storm petrel, thought extinct until 2003, is breeding on Little Barrier Island Hauturu in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. The team of researchers is led by Chris Gaskin and Dr. Matt Rayner from the University of Auckland.

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