2,979Grants to


MBZ Blog

In Sept ’16…another $500k for conservation

For the 2nd round of grants in 2016, the Fund distributed more than $500k in support of the world’s most endangered species. This is the second of 3 rounds of funding planned for 2016.

The Fund supported 51 more conservation projects with $508,340 bringing the total amount donated to species conservation to $14,485,278 in 7 years. Here is a short sample of the 50+ projects in the latest round of grant giving.

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One window closes, another opens

We have an open door policy. Conservationists seeking grants are welcome to knock anytime – day or night. To be more specific, each year the Fund opens three windows (or doors) and as one closes, another opens.

The deadlines for grant proposals come at the end of February, end of June and end of October.

During each of these three periods we receive hundreds of applications from species conservationists.

Our advisory board, then, reviews the applications – making decisions to support some and reject others. Our advisory board is efficient, effective and decisive.

For those grant applications received before the end of February, the Fund will announce its decisions before the end of May. For those grant applications received by the end of June, grant recipients are informed in September. For those received before October’s end, awards will be made by the end of the year.

The Fund looks forward to reading through your applications and funding exciting projects throughout the year.