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MBZ Blog

Great knot: From Russia to UAE and back again

While on a bird watching trip to Umm Al Quwain in the north of the United Arab Emirates, a teacher at the British School Al Kubairat in Abu Dhabi spotted an Endangered wading bird with a leg band marked ‘E1’. After further investigation, it was discovered that the bird, a Great knot, had been ringed an astonishing 13,000 miles away by a scientist in Russia.

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In Sept ’17…another $500k for conservation

For the 2nd round of grants in 2017, the Fund distributed more than $500k in support of the world’s most endangered species. This is the second of 3 rounds of funding planned for 2017.

The Fund supported 58 more conservation projects with $500,003 bringing the total amount donated to species conservation to $ 15,992,639 in 9 years. Here is a short sample of the 50+ projects in the latest round of grant giving.

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MBZ Fund issues 2016 Annual Report

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is issuing its 2016 Annual Report today.

Whether it’s surveying fungi in Far Eastern Russia or working with local communities and wildlife rangers to reduce elephant-human conflict in India the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund continues to support individuals in the villages, field stations, laboratories and homes, who are committed to conserving their local (and the world’s global) threatened species.

The Fund supported 172 species conservation projects in 69 countries with more than $1.52 million in 2016. These funds were distributed globally among conservation projects to some of the most endangered species including fish, mammals, plants, reptiles and even fungi.

The annual report is available for download here: http://www.speciesconservation.org/media-center/downloads