Read the latest edition of our quarterly newsletter, Conservation Calls below.
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According to the IUCN Red List, sawfishes are among the most threatened marine vertebrates globally, with populations declining by more than 90% due to overexploitation and habitat loss. Without urgent conservation action, they face extinction.
With the support of the MBZ Fund, MarAlliance is leading a pioneering conservation initiative in the Darién province of Panama - safeguarding the only currently demonstrated nursery for the Critically Endangered largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) in the Americas.
To date, MarAlliance has:
👏 Conducted vital research to inform national and regional protection efforts.
👏 Trained fishers, Indigenous communities, and students in sawfish monitoring, sustainable fisheries management, and safe release practices.
👏 Partnered with local fishers to promote fishing practices that protect sawfish populations.
👏 Involved fishers and their families in paid monitoring efforts to foster stewardship while providing alternative livelihoods.
👏 Raised awareness to mitigate threats from wildlife trafficking.
👏 Created a community-based conservation model for replication in other critical habitats worldwide.
By merging rigorous scientific research with traditional knowledge and community engagement, we are building a sustainable future for the largetooth sawfish in the Americas and Panama’s marine biodiversity.
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #IUCN #biodiversity #sawfish #sustainability #uae #Panama #Americas #rarespecies #wildlife #nature #animals #environment
According to the IUCN Red List, sawfishes are among the most threatened marine vertebrates globally, with populations declining by more than 90% due to overexploitation and habitat loss. Without urgent conservation action, they face extinction.
With the support of the MBZ Fund, MarAlliance is leading a pioneering conservation initiative in the Darién province of Panama - safeguarding the only currently demonstrated nursery for the Critically Endangered largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) in the Americas.
To date, MarAlliance has:
👏 Conducted vital research to inform national and regional protection efforts.
👏 Trained fishers, Indigenous communities, and students in sawfish monitoring, sustainable fisheries management, and safe release practices.
👏 Partnered with local fishers to promote fishing practices that protect sawfish populations.
👏 Involved fishers and their families in paid monitoring efforts to foster stewardship while providing alternative livelihoods.
👏 Raised awareness to mitigate threats from wildlife trafficking.
👏 Created a community-based conservation model for replication in other critical habitats worldwide.
By merging rigorous scientific research with traditional knowledge and community engagement, we are building a sustainable future for the largetooth sawfish in the Americas and Panama’s marine biodiversity.
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #IUCN #biodiversity #sawfish #sustainability #uae #Panama #Americas #rarespecies #wildlife #nature #animals #environment
Want to discover the coolest conservation job out there? If you’re not afraid of narrow openings, falling rocks, tight spaces, and deep, dark crevices—along with some creepy-crawly critters you might not even see—then you’re in for a treat! Yep, you guessed it; this episode is all about the amazing world of biospeleology!
Meet Dr. Iva Njunjic, a cave biologist who has explored over 300 caves across Europe and Asia, where she’s discovered species new to science!
Dive into our latest episode of Conservation Calls in the stunning Komarnica Canyon in northwest Montenegro and join us as the Repton Dubai Podcast crew and Chanda Miyanda brings her incredible story to life.
And don’t worry—cave animals are small and not scary at all. Caves are nutrient-poor habitats, which means they can’t support large animals. Want to know more, listen to the link in the @speciesconbservationfund bio!
PS Be sure to follow, rate, and share our Conservation Calls podcast. Your support means the world to us!
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #podcast #nextgeneration #youth #sustainability #uae #Montenegro #caves #insects #savekomarnica #canyon #research #caveexploring
Want to discover the coolest conservation job out there? If you’re not afraid of narrow openings, falling rocks, tight spaces, and deep, dark crevices—along with some creepy-crawly critters you might not even see—then you’re in for a treat! Yep, you guessed it; this episode is all about the amazing world of biospeleology!
Meet Dr. Iva Njunjic, a cave biologist who has explored over 300 caves across Europe and Asia, where she’s discovered species new to science!
Dive into our latest episode of Conservation Calls in the stunning Komarnica Canyon in northwest Montenegro and join us as the Repton Dubai Podcast crew and Chanda Miyanda brings her incredible story to life.
And don’t worry—cave animals are small and not scary at all. Caves are nutrient-poor habitats, which means they can’t support large animals. Want to know more, listen to the link in the @speciesconbservationfund bio!
PS Be sure to follow, rate, and share our Conservation Calls podcast. Your support means the world to us!
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #podcast #nextgeneration #youth #sustainability #uae #Montenegro #caves #insects #savekomarnica #canyon #research #caveexploring
The distribution of the Tucacas Killifish, also known as the rain fish, is among the smallest and most geographically restricted of all continental coastal drainages in Venezuela, having been collected from only in few sites despite numerous sampling efforts in the plains (Taphorn & Rodríguez-Olarte 2008, 2015).
With support from the MBZ Fund, Professor Douglas Rodríguez Olarte and his team are undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the Tucacas Killifish’s habitat. Their efforts include identifying and mapping aquatic habitats through field surveys and remote sensing, as well as sampling these habitats to analyze their spatio-temporal variations. Additionally, they aim to determine the species’ global distribution and population status by conducting counts, littoral transects and creating a photographic and video database for each habitat.
This project represents a crucial initiative to enhance the global status and conservation of the Tucacas Killifish in Venezuela’s coastal plains.
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #fish #sustainability #uae #Venezuela #wildlife #nature #animals #support #environment
The distribution of the Tucacas Killifish, also known as the rain fish, is among the smallest and most geographically restricted of all continental coastal drainages in Venezuela, having been collected from only in few sites despite numerous sampling efforts in the plains (Taphorn & Rodríguez-Olarte 2008, 2015).
With support from the MBZ Fund, Professor Douglas Rodríguez Olarte and his team are undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the Tucacas Killifish’s habitat. Their efforts include identifying and mapping aquatic habitats through field surveys and remote sensing, as well as sampling these habitats to analyze their spatio-temporal variations. Additionally, they aim to determine the species’ global distribution and population status by conducting counts, littoral transects and creating a photographic and video database for each habitat.
This project represents a crucial initiative to enhance the global status and conservation of the Tucacas Killifish in Venezuela’s coastal plains.
#mbzfund #conservation #speciesconservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #fish #sustainability #uae #Venezuela #wildlife #nature #animals #support #environment
The Isthmohyla treefrogs, native to the highland regions of Costa Rica and Panama, face significant threats due to habitat loss, disease, and climate change. With the support of MBZ Fund, researcher Wagner Chaves-Acuña from the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” and the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina aims to monitor and protect populations of four endangered species of Isthmohyla: I. debilis, I. pictipes, I. rivularis, and I. tica.
Wagner and his team are monitoring frog populations at ten sites, focusing on adult frogs, juveniles, and tadpoles. This research has illuminated key aspects of their reproductive phenology and natural history, which are vital for conservation efforts. Interestingly, the exact egg-laying sites remain unknown, though researchers speculate they might be in rock crevices.
They are also conducting taxonomic and phylogenetic studies to enhance understanding of diversity and evolutionary relationships. These insights will not only clarify their identities and distributions but also inform conservation strategies, potentially redefining their known ranges.
Lastly, they are collecting swab samples to test for the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which poses a threat to amphibian populations globally. Assessing the health of these frogs is crucial for effective disease management and the prevention of population declines.
📸 Thomas Calleja
📸 Wagner Chaves-Acuna
#worldfrogday #MBZFund #conservation, #endangeredspecies #biodiversity #nature #animals #uae #CostaRica #Panama, #FrogConservation #Isthmohyla #Ecology #Evolution #EnvironmentalEducation #Frogs #CentralAmerica #Biodiversity #wildlifeconservation #stri #redlistamphibians
The Isthmohyla treefrogs, native to the highland regions of Costa Rica and Panama, face significant threats due to habitat loss, disease, and climate change. With the support of MBZ Fund, researcher Wagner Chaves-Acuña from the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” and the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina aims to monitor and protect populations of four endangered species of Isthmohyla: I. debilis, I. pictipes, I. rivularis, and I. tica.
Wagner and his team are monitoring frog populations at ten sites, focusing on adult frogs, juveniles, and tadpoles. This research has illuminated key aspects of their reproductive phenology and natural history, which are vital for conservation efforts. Interestingly, the exact egg-laying sites remain unknown, though researchers speculate they might be in rock crevices.
They are also conducting taxonomic and phylogenetic studies to enhance understanding of diversity and evolutionary relationships. These insights will not only clarify their identities and distributions but also inform conservation strategies, potentially redefining their known ranges.
Lastly, they are collecting swab samples to test for the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which poses a threat to amphibian populations globally. Assessing the health of these frogs is crucial for effective disease management and the prevention of population declines.
📸 Thomas Calleja
📸 Wagner Chaves-Acuna
#worldfrogday #MBZFund #conservation, #endangeredspecies #biodiversity #nature #animals #uae #CostaRica #Panama, #FrogConservation #Isthmohyla #Ecology #Evolution #EnvironmentalEducation #Frogs #CentralAmerica #Biodiversity #wildlifeconservation #stri #redlistamphibians
With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association successfully implemented a crucial initiative aimed at exploring new habitats to enhance the conservation of the threatened Harrison’s giant mastiff bat (Otomops harrisoni) in Rwanda. They were also able to document other cave-dwelling bat species and assess the threats facing these critical habitats, benefiting not only bats but also other species that rely on cave systems.
Beyond research, they embarked on educational outreach in schools and communities near the roosting sites. Through these efforts, they educated children about the vital role of bats in ecosystems, highlighting their ecological benefits and inspiring young minds to take conservation actions to safeguard these unique species.
The impact of this project extends beyond immediate findings, promoting a lasting appreciation for bats and their importance in maintaining ecological balance.
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #bats #Batsarethebest #savingwildlife #batconservation #wildlifeconservation #Rwanda #VisitRwanda #Africa #wildlife #nature
With a recent grant from the MBZ Fund, the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association successfully implemented a crucial initiative aimed at exploring new habitats to enhance the conservation of the threatened Harrison’s giant mastiff bat (Otomops harrisoni) in Rwanda. They were also able to document other cave-dwelling bat species and assess the threats facing these critical habitats, benefiting not only bats but also other species that rely on cave systems.
Beyond research, they embarked on educational outreach in schools and communities near the roosting sites. Through these efforts, they educated children about the vital role of bats in ecosystems, highlighting their ecological benefits and inspiring young minds to take conservation actions to safeguard these unique species.
The impact of this project extends beyond immediate findings, promoting a lasting appreciation for bats and their importance in maintaining ecological balance.
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #bats #Batsarethebest #savingwildlife #batconservation #wildlifeconservation #Rwanda #VisitRwanda #Africa #wildlife #nature
Caridina dennerli, commonly known as the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp, is a unique species native to Lake Matano that gained popularity among aquarists even before its formal description in 2009. Unfortunately, this species faces critical threats, including habitat destruction, invasive species, and overexploitation, leading to its listing as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
Urgent action is needed, and thanks to support from the MBZ Fund, the Zoological Community of Celebes (ZCC) launched a population survey in four key localities. Excitingly, they confirmed that C. dennerli still thrives in three sites! They also engaged local youth in eradicating invasive Flowerhorn cichlids, successfully removing 50 kg in the project’s first phase.
The next phase of the project is to host a seminar with the local community, stakeholders, and hunters around the Malili Lake System to gather support for conservation efforts aimed at saving this iconic species from extinction. Collectively, we can secure a brighter future for the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp!
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #Indonesia #asia #Sulawesi #shrimp #animals #wildlife #nature
Caridina dennerli, commonly known as the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp, is a unique species native to Lake Matano that gained popularity among aquarists even before its formal description in 2009. Unfortunately, this species faces critical threats, including habitat destruction, invasive species, and overexploitation, leading to its listing as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
Urgent action is needed, and thanks to support from the MBZ Fund, the Zoological Community of Celebes (ZCC) launched a population survey in four key localities. Excitingly, they confirmed that C. dennerli still thrives in three sites! They also engaged local youth in eradicating invasive Flowerhorn cichlids, successfully removing 50 kg in the project’s first phase.
The next phase of the project is to host a seminar with the local community, stakeholders, and hunters around the Malili Lake System to gather support for conservation efforts aimed at saving this iconic species from extinction. Collectively, we can secure a brighter future for the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp!
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #Indonesia #asia #Sulawesi #shrimp #animals #wildlife #nature
With support from the MBZ Fund, has been working to conserve the endangered pangolins in Cameroon, and particularly in Mbam et Djerem National Park since 2017. The initiative involves species distribution modeling to pinpoint pangolin hotspots and validation through ground-truthing in unexplored areas.
The project aims to create a pangolin location database, updated distribution maps, and insights into their responses to climate change. In addition to conservation research, fosters coexistence between pangolins and local communities by promoting sustainable livelihoods, including agroforestry, animal husbandry, and the valuation of non-timber forest products. Community involvement is further strengthened through behavioral change campaigns, school pangolin clubs, and educational activities that raise awareness about the ecological significance of pangolins and the consequences of poaching.
These efforts empower local communities to act as conservation advocates while tackling challenges such as habitat degradation and poaching. This integrated approach bridges wildlife conservation with community livelihoods for long-term sustainability.
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #Cameroon #Africa #pangolin #animals #wildlife #nature
With support from the MBZ Fund, has been working to conserve the endangered pangolins in Cameroon, and particularly in Mbam et Djerem National Park since 2017. The initiative involves species distribution modeling to pinpoint pangolin hotspots and validation through ground-truthing in unexplored areas.
The project aims to create a pangolin location database, updated distribution maps, and insights into their responses to climate change. In addition to conservation research, fosters coexistence between pangolins and local communities by promoting sustainable livelihoods, including agroforestry, animal husbandry, and the valuation of non-timber forest products. Community involvement is further strengthened through behavioral change campaigns, school pangolin clubs, and educational activities that raise awareness about the ecological significance of pangolins and the consequences of poaching.
These efforts empower local communities to act as conservation advocates while tackling challenges such as habitat degradation and poaching. This integrated approach bridges wildlife conservation with community livelihoods for long-term sustainability.
#MBZFund #conservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #abudhabi #Cameroon #Africa #pangolin #animals #wildlife #nature
Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible contributions of women in conservation—true guardians of our planet. From empowering local communities to enhancing biodiversity, women are leading the charge towards a sustainable future.
At the forefront, our Managing Director, H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, inspires the next generation of leaders. Four remarkable stories echo the sentiments shared by all our global field grant recipients, thanks to the support from GEF. Let’s be inspired by:
🇵🇾 Rebeca Carballo from Paraguay
🇨🇴 Mailuet López from Colombia
🇻🇳 Nhung Pham from Vietnam
🇧🇷 Gitana Nunes Cavalcanti from Brazil
These women are giving a voice to countless less charismatic species supported by the Fund. To read their inspiring stories, access the link in the @speciesconservationfund bio.
Here’s to strong women everywhere — may we know them, may we be them, and may we support them!
#mbzfund #conservation #internationalwomensday #womensday #womeninconservation #leaders #speciesconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #paraguay #Colombia #Vietnam #brazil #wildlife #nature #animals #environment
Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible contributions of women in conservation—true guardians of our planet. From empowering local communities to enhancing biodiversity, women are leading the charge towards a sustainable future.
At the forefront, our Managing Director, H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, inspires the next generation of leaders. Four remarkable stories echo the sentiments shared by all our global field grant recipients, thanks to the support from GEF. Let’s be inspired by:
🇵🇾 Rebeca Carballo from Paraguay
🇨🇴 Mailuet López from Colombia
🇻🇳 Nhung Pham from Vietnam
🇧🇷 Gitana Nunes Cavalcanti from Brazil
These women are giving a voice to countless less charismatic species supported by the Fund. To read their inspiring stories, access the link in the @speciesconservationfund bio.
Here’s to strong women everywhere — may we know them, may we be them, and may we support them!
#mbzfund #conservation #internationalwomensday #womensday #womeninconservation #leaders #speciesconservation #biodiversity #sustainability #uae #paraguay #Colombia #Vietnam #brazil #wildlife #nature #animals #environment