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Advisory Board reviews applications and submits recommendations to Fund

The Advisory Board met this week in Abu Dhabi to review nearly 500 grant applications. These grant applications were submitted between 1 July and 31 October  2013. In total  nearly $10m was requested from all these applications.

Given the Fund has $500,000 to distributed during this term, the challenge facing the the Advisory Board was clear – select only the most promising projects targeting the most threatened or least understood species. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Advisory Board successfully developed a list of recommended applications for funding.

The list is now with the Fund for consideration. Over the next few weeks, the Fund will be reviewing this list of grants and making final decisions regarding the applications for approval. The Fund expects to inform grant applicants of its decision of support before the end of December.


The Fund is currently accepting applications for its next round of Funding. The deadline for the current grant window is February 2014. All applications received before that deadline will be reviewed in the March and April 2014 for award in May.

The Fund appreciates the time, effort, and passion of its grant applicants, and wishes you success in your endeavors to conserve the worlds threatened species.