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Red-shanked douc of Loas

Two time Fund grant recipient Camille Coudrat recently informed us that she published the results of her first grant in the Journal Oryx. The Fund provided financial support to Dr Coudrat to study a population of Red-shanked douc in Laos. After walking 300km along transects in the Nakai–Nam Theun National Protected Area, she estimated that more than 4,000 groups of these non-human primates inhabit this part of east central Laos. Possibly comprising the most significant population of these Endangered primates.

red-shanked douc

Through a second grant, the Fund is helping Dr Coudrat establish a research and outreach center for the continued study of this important population. Dr Coudrat will investigate the behavioral ecology of Red-shanked douc and work with the local community to help ensure its long-term survival.

For more information about this project and the work of Dr Coudrat and her colleagues visit the Conservation Laos webiste.