2,979Grants to


aloe (Aloe leptosiphon)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 222528978

In-situ assessment of the current status of endemic -endangered plant species in Tanzania

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 222528978) - aloe - Awarded $17,000 on May 26, 2022


For this project Endemic Aloe species to Tanzania was given the priority. The aim is to assess field status of the species and the quality of their locations. In the Herbarium of Tanzania there are

Tanzania has 13 endemic species of Aloe recorded in the Floral of Tropical East Africa (Aloaceae, 1994) which have restricted distribution. Eight (8) species are known from their type location only. These are A. babatiensis, A brandhamii, A. bullockii, A. congdonii A. dorotheae, A.flexilifolia, A. leptosiphon and  A. leedalii. Three (3) species are recorded in two locations  (A. leachii, A. brachystachys and  A.sobolifera) while only two (2) species are recorded in three locations (A.bussei and A. richardsiae.

During the first 2 months of the grant we were able to assess the populations and habitats of critically endangered Aloe dorotheae

Aloe dorotheae is threatened at its single location in Tanzania in Tanga Region, Handeni district in Madebe village, Kang’ata Ward. It grows on rocky grounds with only shallow soils resulting from decomposing leaves biomass brought on the rock by wind. The rocky ground is surrounded by banana and vegetable gardens because the rocky ground has some holes which keep rain water which is used during drier periods for domestic, livestock and irrigation. A. dorotheae plant (Kikori in Zigua) is used for treatment of human and livestock various diseases and seasoning of local brew due to its bitter taste. Before our visit the Madebe villagers were not aware that the plant is endemic to their area and that unsustainable harvesting is threatening the continue existence of the plant. A. dorotheae is in 6 patches of an area of 1.4 km2, each patch with about 200 or less individuals.




Project document