2,980Grants to


Anzuetoi arboreal alligator lizard (Abronia anzuetoi)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 242535285

Restoration of the Agua Volcano’s cloud forest: Recovering the known habitat of the recently rediscovered Abronia anzuetoi.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 242535285) - Anzuetoi arboreal alligator lizard - Awarded $12,400 on February 22, 2025

This project aims to assess the conservation status of Abronia anzuetoi and restore the cloud forest of Agua Volcano in Guatemala following a major disturbance that affected most of its distribution. Specifically, we intend to survey the population to gather valuable information on population size and record relevant ecological data about the species, which will guide restoration activities. The goal is to develop a precise restoration plan that considers the unique characteristics of the site, such as difficult accessibility, successful seedling establishment, and the use of native species that promote the presence of the Arboreal Alligator Lizard. Additionally, we plan to implement this restoration plan and provide training to local communities to ensure the long-term persistence of these conservation activities.

Project 242535285 location - Guatemala, North America