2,979Grants to


Asiatic Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 13056548

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13056548) - Asiatic Water Buffalo - Awarded $5,000 on February 01, 2014

1. To assess population

Though Royal Manas National park is known to support major population of Asiatic water buffalo in Bhutan (Both pure and feral), the population has not been assessed till date. The population assessment is important to see if Bhutan has residential population and that it is viable within the existing habitat. Knowing population in project site will help determine total population estimate in Bhutan.

2. Distribution within park areas

The project will also map its distribution within park and adjoining areas. This distribution map is important to delineate important habitat for this large bovine ungulate. The distribution pattern from this study will be useful for determining its home range in Bhutan.

3. Determine density and abundance

The project will also determine density and abundance of the target species in wild. This will give us rough idea of habitat carrying capacity in the project site and viability of sustaining population in the near future.

Project 13056548 location - Bhutan, Asia