Bankoualé palm (Livistona carinensis)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 242536192
Conservation of Livistona carinensis in Somaliland

Livistonia carinensis in Somalia is widely believed to have been extirpated, and noted in the IUCN Red List as ‘possibly extinct.’ However, the species still remain in the target area, with a total of about 280 adult individuals. Moreover, it is apparent that replacement of old trees is not possible due to a lack of immediate successors. Hundreds of germinated seedlings can be seen on the ground under the adult trees but are continuously browsed by goats. Major threats include unsustainable harvesting of trunks for construction, petioles, and leaves for thatching, basketry, and mat-making. The increasing farming activities along the banks of the watercourse will not allow Livistona trees to establish and thrive, as farmers usually do land clearance in order to make way for farming. Ecologically, the area lies within the mountainous Golis Range with an elevation ranging between 559m - 787m. Associated species include Conocarpus lancifolius, Hyphaene reptans, Phragmites australis, and Hyphaene thebaica. Cultivated areas mainly contain citrus and guava trees. The community chiefly depends for livelihood on resin/ gum collection from Frankincense and Myrrh, which naturally grow on the mountain sides of the catchment area. Currently there is no conservation program for Livistona, however, it is against community consensus to take down living trees.
The immediate and most essential objective of the project is to tackle the ongoing decline of Livistona carinensis in the target area and save it from extinction through restoration of the selected habitats in the area. The above objective cannot be achieved without effecting community awareness on the importance of maintaining the species in its habitat while, at the same time, empowering the communities for better ownership without compromising their livelihoods through sustainable utilization of Livistona carinensis. The activities include fencing off an area with remnant stands, propagation of Livistona seeds, and community awareness creation sessions on the uniqueness and importance of the species.
Finally, the project aims to provide better understanding and information on the status of Livistona carinensis in Somalia (which is thought to have been totally extirpated) for future revaluation in the IUCN Red List.
Project 242536192 location - Somaliland, Africa