2,980Grants to


Barbour's vlei rat (Otomys barbouri)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 162514688

Impacts of ecotourism on population and distribution of Otomys barbouri in the afro-alpine zone of Mt Elgon, Kenya

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 162514688) - Barbour's vlei rat - Awarded $5,000 on January 21, 2017


  • General Objective: To determine the influence of tourist activities on the population and distribution of Otomys barbouri in the Afro-alpine grasslands of Mt Elgon.
  • Specific Objectives:
  • 1.To compare the population densities of Otomys barbouri in selected regions of the afro-alpine zone with and without tourist traffic.
  • 2.To evaluate the condition of the habitat and hence its suitability to the conservation of Otomys barbouri.
  • 3. To create awareness among the local people and other relevant stakeholders on the importance of conserving the species.
  • 4. To develop a baseline for monitoring the impact of tourism activities on population and distribution of O. barbouri in Mt. Elgon.



Project 162514688 location - Kenya, Africa