2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 182520049

Integrating nesting habitat restoration with at-sea individual-based biomonitoring of the endangered seabird Pterodroma cahow endemic to Bermuda

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 182520049) - Bermuda petrel - Awarded $22,900 on February 18, 2019

The recovery of endangered bird populations requires two fundamental conditions: the availability of suitable nesting-sites and presence of breeding individuals able to produce fertile eggs. According to this, we identify two main conservation actions to help the recovery of Bermuda Petrels namely, the restoration of destroyed breeding habitats and long-term monitoring of breeding performance.

To achieve these goals we will work on the following objectives:

1. Restore a new nesting-site on Nonsuch Island installing artificial nests and translocating near-fledged chicks. Surveying a new offshore island, looking a potential new offshore breeding island to identify suitable nesting sites.

2. Identify the causes of the increased percentage of failed eggs observed in the last decade by relating its occurrence to habitat/individual quality and exposure to environmental contaminants integrated and bio-accumulated along food-chains, including maternal transfer of those compounds. Mapping movements and location of foraging areas with the purpose of monitoring spatial variability of nutrients and pollutants in relation to individual space use and oceanic regions.

3. Develop educational activities in local secondary schools and rise public awareness for an active conservation.

These goals will be critical to enhance current recovery plan based on incomplete knowledge in an evidence-based conservation project.

Visit our new webpage https://sites.google.com/view/bermuda-petrel-monitoring/home

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