Black and white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 12255374

This project concern many aspect of our conservation activity.
First, as we managed this forest sustainably, to reach the goal: "Forest ecosystem and various habitats and specific niche boundaries of lemur species are well maintained", we need to prevent the use for the future generation and should plant the useful species. We opt to involve villagers in seed collection of useful native species and plant them in nurseries; so villagers were involved in plantation of seedlings products. We have produced in nursery during the two years of project 35,491 indigenous plants composed of 17 different species and we could reforest during the two years, with an active participation of villagers, 17,632 seedlings of 16 different native species in an area of 11.33 ha.
The participation of different management structures (community based, management committee), especially in monitoring of natural resources use, is an unprecedented effort on local rules application. So, to reach the goal: "All infractions affecting forest natural resources are detected by local patrol agents and locally established rules are applied and respected by every member of the community", regular control of use of natural resources has been made by local patrol. Twice control a month were carried out during the wet seasons while the controls were intensified during the dry season (August to November), during which men were moved and inhabited in their crops fields and use of fire for cleaning land is extreme.
Many awareness raising activity were done to let us reach the goal: "90% of the local stakeholders understand our conservation principles, goals, and successes".
Insertion of environmental educations in the life of the community is one of the approaches to achieve our goal of «Managing sustainably natural resources of the new protected area Vohibe". With that, we proceeded to develop several methods to optimize the transfer of conservation messages: environmental film projection, awareness villages meeting, and promoting local cultures through songs conveying environmental conservation messages.
We involve members of community to communicate the success of our activity. One of them is the realization of short reportage showing what we did for this conservation project. Please follow this link and see:
Project 12255374 location - Madagascar, Africa