2,979Grants to


Black rhino (Diceros bicornis)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0905724

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905724) - Black rhino - Awarded $10,000 on October 21, 2010

Kenya’s rhino programme under which the project is undertaken was established through a presidential decree in 1985 following the drastic decline of black rhinos from an estimated 20,000 to less than 300 animals due to poaching. It's vision is to conserve at least 2000 viable black rhinos in the wild. Since its establishment, the rhino programme has been able to achieve a lot in collaboration with several partners and stakeholders. Rhino programme is a section within Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). KWS is a state cooperation established by the Act of Parliament, CAP 376 and amendment act No. 16 of 1989 with a mandate of wildlife conservation and management in Kenya. The vision of KWS is “to become a World leader in wildlife conservation” with a mission to “sustainably conserve and manage Kenya’s wildlife and its habitats in collaboration with stakeholders for posterity”. Its specific mandate include: stewardship of national parks and reserves, including security for visitors and wildlife within and outside protected areas; oversight of wildlife conservation and management outside protected areas, including those under local authorities, communities and private sanctuaries; conservation education and training, wildlife research and; input into national wildlife-related law and policy.

Project 0905724 location - Kenya, Africa