2,894Grants to


Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 202523251

Protecting The Kingdom of Eswatini’s Black Rhino Population from International Poaching

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202523251) - Black Rhinoceros - Awarded $12,500 on May 15, 2020

This project will provide between 44-54 BGP rangers with specialist training to effectively counter rhino poaching threats. The overall objectives of the training will be a establish a highly professional, intelligence-led ranger and police force capable of countering any threat posed to Eswatini’s rhino, by reacting appropriately to intelligence, and collecting and preserving evidence during investigations to enhance evidential value along the legal process. The effective operation of well-equipped and trained rangers, working in co-operation with other agencies will provide a deterrent climate to would be poachers and traffickers, which will lead to increased prosecution successes, increased sentences, decreased poaching incidents and productive and relatively safe Black Rhino populations which will add conservation value to these species through metapopulation management in the Southern African Development Region (SADC). The above will lead to increased job security and opportunity in Eswatini’s conservation and tourism sectors and further strengthen good local community enhancement through improved law enforcement support and support for conservation.

Project 202523251 location - Eswatini, Africa