2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 162514527

Integrated conservation of the narrow endemic Quercus brandegeei (Endangered) in Southern Baja California, Mexico

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 162514527) - Brandegee oak - Awarded $15,000 on January 19, 2017


This project aims to address three major obstacles that block the conservation action required to save Q. brandegeei from extinction:


1. We will develop an understanding of exactly what is preventing the species’ regeneration in situ. Without this knowledge, it is near impossible to develop sound in situ conservation strategies for the species. We will achieve this through a demographic study and acorn germination/desiccation experiments at UNAM and Vallarta Botanic Garden.


2. We will increase representation of Q. brandegeei in ex situ conservation collections, ensuring that essential back-ups are in place and that material can be readily available for future reintroduction efforts. This step is especially vital as, currently, there are only three ex situ collections that report having Q. brandegeei, and none of these are based in Mexico. This objective will involve collecting seeds from wild populations and cultivating them in botanical gardens throughout Mexico.


3. We will ensure that Mexican stakeholders have the skills and knowledge needed to continue and lead future conservation and research efforts. We will collaborate with local partners in all aspects of the project and will disseminate knowledge gained through development of educational/training materials.

Project 162514527 location - Mexico, North America