19-12-2021 - Milafu
Population Survey and Conservation of Boswellia ogadensis, a Lost Species of Critically Endangered Frankincense Tree.
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The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 827 grants constituting a total donation of $8,347,267 for species conservation projects based in Africa.
Population Survey and Conservation of Boswellia ogadensis, a Lost Species of Critically Endangered Frankincense Tree.
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Long civil wars in South Sudan have affected peoples’ livelihoods immeasurably but led to gains in recovery of wildlife populations. Indiscriminate poaching for animal protein and income is changing the gains rapidly. The African golden cat (AGC), a new country record, is a victim of poaching as a by-catch. Our livestock seedbank project provides alternative livelihood option diverting communities from poaching to save the AGC.
View African golden cat project
Distribution, threats, extinction-risk assessment and conservation of the giant green endemic millipede Spirostreptus crenulatus Porat, 1894, in the Dja-Biosphere-Reserve, Cameroon
View Giant green African millipede project
Strandveld Daisy Copper (Chrysoritis dicksoni) - Finding refuge for South Africa's most Critically Endangered butterflies.
View Wolkberg Zulu project
Characterizing the structure and composition of dung beetle communities in a Kenyan savanna
View Dung Beetles project
Protection of the endangered Mountain Nyala in Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
View Mountain nyala project
Assessment of the extinction risk for the iconic Welwitschia mirabilis
View welwitschia project
In Ethiopia, D. ombet is found in the relic Desa'a forest, and our own previous studies on it showed it is threatened by overexploitation and habitat degradation. As a result, it is now with lack of regeneration and recruitments. This project will jointly work with the local stakeholders to introduce three interlinked conservation interventions for the species: capacity building, livelihood improvement and habitat restoration.
View Gabal Elba Dragon tree project
Saving sandfish: Tracking the success of conservation translocations to save South Africa’s most threatened migratory freshwater fish
View Clanwilliam sandfish project
Holding over 75% of the Critically endangered Mountain Bongo, the Aberdare Mountains; listed as tentative World Heritage Site by the UNESCO, an Important Bird and Key Biodiversity Area, a major water tower in Kenya is under serious destruction threat from adjacent local communities. The project will involve local communities in protection and monitoring of this critically species and its habitat in Aberdare.
View Mountain Bongo project