2,979Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 159 grants constituting a total donation of $1,477,528 for species conservation projects based in Europe.

Conservation Case Studies in Europe

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510395) - European Maple Longicorn - Awarded $10,000 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - European Maple Longicorn

The Romanian Longicorn beetle project is the first study in Romania to evaluate the distribution and abundance of saproxylic beetles in traditionally-maintained landscapes, ultimately providing conservation and management guidelines for endangered, threatened, and data deficient beetles. Along with ecological information on longicorn community composition, species richness, and abundance, the information gathered will be used to evaluate current ...

View European Maple Longicorn project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510387) - Iberian toothcarp - Awarded $15,000 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Iberian toothcarp

The Iberian toothcarp is an endemic species from Iberian Peninsula distributed over twenty isolated populations along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Andalusia population inhabits natural and artificial habitats in the medium-lower basin of the Adra River. These habitats are degraded by human uses and activities. We will evaluate the main threats and promote management measures to restore and conserve the species' habitats.

View Iberian toothcarp project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 150510498) - Greek Meadow Viper - Awarded $3,810 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Greek Meadow Viper

The Greek Meadow Viper Working Group works on the conservation ecology of the Greek Meadow Viper in Albania and Greece. Now we developing ethoncoservational strategy on overgrazed alpine meadow to reach a sustainable human use of the Albanian Highlands and promote the long term existence of this endangered venomous snake.

View Greek Meadow Viper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510206) - Crau Plain Grasshopper - Awarded $11,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Crau Plain Grasshopper

The Critically Endangered Crau Plain Grasshopper is endemic to the Crau Steppe in southern France. The species declined dramatically during the last decade even in habitats that appeared to be suitable. Only four sub-populations are left, which are highly fragmented. A strategic conservation plan has been developed in 2014. Our project aims at implementing this plan and save this species from extinction.

View Crau Plain Grasshopper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510202) - La Palma Stick Grasshopper - Awarded $11,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - La Palma Stick Grasshopper

We try to know which are the host plant species for the endangered grasshopper Acrostira euphorbiae in order to know if recent alterations (fires, grazing, cutting off)) in its reduced distribution area have seriously affected the feeding possibilities. We will study trophic preferences by means of microhistology of faeces in the wild and experimental feeding tests in the lab.

View La Palma Stick Grasshopper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259433) - Mediterranean monk seal - Awarded $12,500 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Mediterranean monk seal

Scientific monitoring and promotion of the conservation of a newly discovered Mediterranean monk seal colony at the island of Evia,Greece

View Mediterranean monk seal project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259980) - European mink - Awarded $4,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - European mink

Distribution and habitat assessment of European mink, Critically Endangered species The European mink is one of the most rare and endangered mammals existing in whole Europe and in Ukraine. The project aims to develop species conservation action plan via assessment of distribution, total population size, ecology and threats of European mink.

View European mink project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14258012) - Montseny newt - Awarded $5,000 on April 29, 2014
29-04-2014 - Montseny newt

In the south of Europe, at only 60 km of one of the most popular cities of the world, Barcelona, there is the Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park of Montseny. This mountain range is the home of one of the latest amphibians decribed in Europe, the most endangered of the western side of the continent, the Montseny's newt (Calotriton arnoldi).

View Montseny newt project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257926) - Moldavian meadow viper - Awarded $9,500 on December 23, 2013
23-12-2013 - Moldavian meadow viper

The Moldavian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii moldavica) is a critically endangered subspecies of the Orsini's viper, endemic to eastern Romania. It occurs only in a handful of small sized, highly vulnerable habitats. The main goals of this project are (i) to establish a solid scientific background for the conservation of the Moldavian meadow viper and (ii) holding a raising awareness campaign in the local community.

View Moldavian meadow viper project