08-03-2012 - Honduran rosewood
Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Ya’axché Conservation Trust, and partners are increasing patrols in the Golden Stream Corridor Preserve, Toledo District, Belize to thwart the urgent threat of illegal logging in and around the Preserve, and are conducting population assessments and species verification of D. stevensonii to design and sustain long term conservation strategies for this highly valued tree species.
View Honduran rosewood project
04-01-2012 - Maui Parrotbill; Kiwikiu
This year, a new 600 hectare natural area reserve, Nakula, was designated by the State of Hawaii, and is currently being fenced. While no Kiwikiu (Maui Parrotbill) currently exist in this reserve, the goal is to restore the forest and reintroduce Kiwikiu to this part of Maui.
View Maui Parrotbill; Kiwikiu project
04-01-2012 - Acer skutchii
I examined the ecology and genetics of all Acer skutchii populations in America. As a result, I identified that the maple from western Mexico was a different species: Acer bizayedii (new species). This project was decisive to the establishment of a new protected natural area. The protected area was created on January 2016 to ensure the preservation of Acer binzayedii and its natural habitat.
View Acer skutchii project
04-01-2012 - Mexican long-nosed bat
The Mexican long-nosed bat is highly susceptible to extinction because is a food and habitat specialist, roosts in caves, and is migratory. Pregnant females of this bat migrate every spring from central Mexico to the south-western United States following the blooms of century plants. We aim to understand the status of the bat’s migratory corridor and identify critical sites necessary to maintain viable populations.
View Mexican long-nosed bat project
04-01-2012 - Hispaniolan Hutia
This project studies home range, distribution and habitat use of the Hispaniolan hutia using a combination of GPS and radio telemetry. A key aim is to train fieldworkers within the Dominican Republic in order to give them the experience and skills to monitor threatened species and be able to implement conservation measures in the future.
View Hispaniolan Hutia project
26-10-2011 - Pyramid Maidenhair
Over the past three years, Kevel Lindsay in partnership with the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) have been studying the native and naturalized ferns of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda, with a special focus on the West Indian endemics and their habitats. The study has published an IUCN Regional Red List of the islands’ species, a Conservation Perspective, and now an Atlas and Guide.
View Pyramid Maidenhair project
26-10-2011 - Lungless salamander
FFI's ultimate goal is to empower local stakeholders to conserve Ometepe Island's endemic salamander (Bolitoglossa insularis) and its cloud forest habitat. The project goal is to enhance knowledge and capacity to enable immediate conservation action to project this salamander (IUCN: not listed). We will establish essential baseline data to evaluate conservation status, build a participatory monitoring system and share project knowledge gained ...
View Lungless salamander project
10-07-2011 - Kamakahala
The grant we received from the Fund has allowed staff of the Plant Extinction Prevention Program to visit the four remaining individuals of Labordia lorenciana multiple times. During those visits, we have protected the plants from insect threats, hand pollinated the only remaining female plant, and collected seeds that were then germinated and grown at a cooperating botanical garden.
View Kamakahala project
27-06-2011 - Hydrangea species
Mexico is the fourth most diverse country in the world in terms of biodiversity, yet many new plant species still awaiting discovery are already endangered with extinction as a consequence of deforestation and habitat destruction. In the framework of this project we study and aim to conserve new "Hortensia" (Hydrangea) species in central and southern Mexico.
View Hydrangea species project
27-06-2011 - Mantequero
Magnolia cubensis subsp. acunae species and Podocarpus angustifolius are scattered in the montane rainforests of the Guamuhaya range. Nowadays, most of their habitats are devoted to coffee plantations. These rainforests have a major role capturing the rain and the humidity from the clouds, and controlling soil erosion, runoff and flooding. The rainforest restoration is also essential for the economic welfare in the region.
View Mantequero project