03-05-2023 - Extinct Belly-Flower
Saving species and rewriting the story of extinction in Centinela.
View Extinct Belly-Flower project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 516 grants constituting a total donation of $4,827,201 for species conservation projects based in South America.
Saving species and rewriting the story of extinction in Centinela.
View Extinct Belly-Flower project
Local partnerships to ensure the conservation of three species of harlequin toads in the Key Biodiversity Area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
View Starry Night Harlequin toad project
Mitigation of threats and adaptation to climate change for Tiger Cat conservation in the seasonally dry forest of northeast Peru
View Northern Tiger cat project
Improving ecological knowledge and science communication for the conservation of endemic and endangered leaf-cutting ant (Atta robusta) in Brazil.
View leaf-cutting ant project
First efforts to preserve Wrightoporia auraucariae, a rare and critically endangered species endemic to Araucaria forests
View Wrightoporia araucariae project
Population assessment and conservation status of the magangá Potamobatrachus trispinosus endemic to the Rio Tocantins, Amazon basin, Brazil
View Manganga project
The objectives of current research are to detect the presence of the Caetés catfish, Trichogenes claviger, in isolated rivers along the upper Rio Caxixe and Rio Fruteiras, tributaries of Rio Itapemirim in Espírito Santo mountains, Brazil. Employng the metabarcoding approach, through environmental DNA. We aim to locate existing populations of this species, figured on the IUCN redlist, as a critically endangered freshwater catfish.
View Trichogenes claviger project
Understanding the role of microclime in future distribution and behaviour of the small pumpkin-toadlet Brachycephalus mirissimus. In this project, we will use acoustic monitoring and modelling to study the role of altitudinal and altitudinal gradient in this microendemic species under climate change scenarios to propose conservation actions.
View Pumpkin toadlet project
Saving the endemic and critically endangered Blue-throated Hillstar from extinction in Cerro de Arcos, Ecuador (Fase II)
View Blue-throated Hillstar project
Saving one of the last populations of Leopardus munoai in the border of Brazil and Uruguay
View Pampas cat project