19-12-2021 - Caquetá titi monkey
In search of local people to design and implement community-based conservation strategies for the critically endangered Plecturocebus caquetensis in Piamonte, Colombia
View Caquetá titi monkey project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 516 grants constituting a total donation of $4,827,201 for species conservation projects based in South America.
In search of local people to design and implement community-based conservation strategies for the critically endangered Plecturocebus caquetensis in Piamonte, Colombia
View Caquetá titi monkey project
Drosera magnifica (Droseraceae): a flagship species for the conservation of an unexplored mountain complex
View Magnificent sundew project
Ecology and conservation of the snail Chilina angusta: A species of the Atacama Desert threatened of extinction.
View Paposo snail project
Conservation program of a pitviper snake (Bothrops sazimai) endemic to a small island in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil
View Jararaca da Ilha dos Franceses project
SAVING THE PATAGONIAN GIANT BUMBLEBEE FROM EXTINCTION BY REMOVING ITS MAIN THREAT, THE INVASIVE BUFF TAILED BUMBLEBEE. Bombus dahlbomii, the world's largest bumblebee has drastically declined since the invasion of European Bombus terrestris following commercial introduction in Chile for crop pollination. By downregulating the importation of colonies and reducing the local densities of this invader we expect the recovery of B. dahlbomii ...
View Giant Patagonian bumblebee project
View Moorland frog project
The Sinu parakeet conservation project, funded by the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, has achieved significant results despite challenges. We have conducted extensive field investigations, implemented habitat conservation measures, developed a far-reaching environmental education campaign, and mobilized additional funding, all in the interest of protecting this vital species.
View Sinu Parakeet project
The population size of the critically endangered blond titi monkey in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, Brazil
View Blond titi monkey project
Reducing threats for the Endangered Huemul deer in Cerro Castillo National Park, Aysen Region, Chilean Patagonia.
View Huemul deer project
Grassroots education and conservation for Pristimantis rubicundus meets big picture research in an Ecuadorian reserve in the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor
View Trench Robber Frog project