2,979Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 369 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $3,453,895.

Reptile Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172517158) - Lesser Antillean Iguana - Awarded $8,150 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Lesser Antillean Iguana

Given the continued spread of non-native Green Iguana throughout the Lesser Antilles the regional endemic iguana, Lesser Antillean Iguana, is rapidly declining. With recent hybridization now also present on the island of St. Eustatius we are trying to stop this process, catch all non-native iguanas and prevent future invasions to thereby safeguard this populations' future.

View Lesser Antillean Iguana project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172510461) - Tolley's Forest Chameleon - Awarded $7,950 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Tolley's Forest Chameleon

Conservation status of Tolley’s Forest Chameleon (Kinyongia tolleyae), a new species recently discovered in the Albertine Rift of Uganda

View Tolley's Forest Chameleon project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172517172) - Pig-nosed turtle - Awarded $8,500 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Pig-nosed turtle

The pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) is frequently harvested by subsistence communities and trafficked through Asia. This research project is developing genetic wildlife forensic techniques to help combat the illegal trade and providing sustainability and environmental education to remote communities in New Guinea that harvest the turtles.

View Pig-nosed turtle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172515963) - Phelsuma antanosy - Awarded $10,478 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Phelsuma antanosy

A genetic approach to conserving the critically endangered day gecko Phelsuma antanosy in Madagascar

View Phelsuma antanosy project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170516224) - Tana River Gecko - Awarded $4,940 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Tana River Gecko

Assessing habitat and microclimate disturbance on herpetofauna living in Kenya's coastal canopies: a search for rare arboreal species.

View Tana River Gecko project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172516436) - Tanner's Spiny Lizard - Awarded $5,834 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Tanner's Spiny Lizard

Ecology, geographic distribution and conservation status of Tanner's Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus tanneri) an endemic Mexican species

View Tanner's Spiny Lizard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170516395) - Anatolian Mountain Viper - Awarded $4,200 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Anatolian Mountain Viper

Pioneers in Central-eastern Anatolia: rapid range assessments of threatened and rare viper species in uncharted territories

View Anatolian Mountain Viper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172515600) - Bica Anole - Awarded $6,000 on May 01, 2017
01-05-2017 - Bica Anole

The Bica Anole (Norops (Anolis) bicaorum) is a poorly studied lizard species endemic to the Island of Utila, off the Caribbean side of Honduras, Central America. Our project aimed to address conservation concerns relating to populations, whilst collecting additional data and information on the distribution, abundance, morphology, behavior and ecology of this species.

View Bica Anole project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170515264) - Sancti Spiritus Trope - Awarded $4,000 on May 01, 2017
01-05-2017 - Sancti Spiritus Trope

Cuba is the center of diversification of the colorful dwarf boas’ genus Tropidophis, harboring 60% of all West Indian species. Many have restricted distribution ranges and are subjected to serious threats like habitat loss and intentional killing. The aim of this project is to provide updated baseline information on the ecology, distribution, and conservation status of the dwarf boas inhabiting the Guamuhaya Massif, central Cuba.

View Sancti Spiritus Trope project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170515492) - Cat Ba Tiger Gecko - Awarded $4,000 on May 01, 2017
01-05-2017 - Cat Ba Tiger Gecko

Providing essential data about the population status and ecological requirements of the Cat Ba Tiger Gecko (Goniurosaurus catbaensis) for conservation

View Cat Ba Tiger Gecko project