2,979Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 411 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $4,153,726.

Bird Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510441) - Regent Honeyeater - Awarded $12,500 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Regent Honeyeater

Critically Endangered Regent Honeyeater Breed for Release program. Taronga Conservation Society Australia plays a key role in the National Recovery Plan for the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater which is established to provide a level of insurance against further declines in the wild population.

View Regent Honeyeater project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510567) - Forest Owlet - Awarded $3,400 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Forest Owlet

Assessment of the status, distribution and conservation issues of Forest owlet (Heteroglaux blewitti) in Dang Forest, Gujarat, India.

View Forest Owlet project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510711) - Polynesian Ground Dove - Awarded $12,500 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Polynesian Ground Dove

Evaluating Critically Endangered Polynesian Ground Dove population status on islands planned for restoration in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

View Polynesian Ground Dove project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 150510577) - Taita Apalis - Awarded $2,088 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Taita Apalis

EXPANDING HABITATS FOR TWO ENDEMIC AND CRITICALLY ENDANGERED BIRDS IN NGANGAO FOREST,TAITA HILLS, KENYA. Taita Apalis and Taita Thrush are critically endangered birds endemic to Taita Hills and are both threatened with extinction. It is race against time as their habitats continue to be lost. In this work we struggle to expand their habitats to safe them from possible extinction.

View Taita Apalis project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 150510745) - Spoonbilled sandpiper - Awarded $4,000 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Spoonbilled sandpiper

An survey of wading birds of the Khairusovo–Belogolovaya estuary, on the Western coast of Kamchatka - a key location for protected wader species on the East Asian–Australasian migratory flyway.

View Spoonbilled sandpiper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510085) - Norfolk Island parakeet - Awarded $8,300 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Norfolk Island parakeet

Quantifying demographic responses to management of the critically endangered Tasman Parakeet (Cyanoramphus cookii) on Norfolk Island

View Norfolk Island parakeet project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 140510135) - Baer´s Pochard - Awarded $4,800 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Baer´s Pochard

Searching and protecting the last Baer´s Pochards in the Amur region/Far East Russia

View Baer´s Pochard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 140510086) - Loveridge Sunbird - Awarded $4,990 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Loveridge Sunbird

Conserving loveridges Sunbird's habitat in Uluguru Nature Reserve for enhancing loveridges sunbird's management and protection. According to IUCN Red list as of 2010, the above specie is considered to be Endangered where one of the contributing factor is degradation of its habitat in Uluguru Nature Reserve. The project supported by MBZ has succeeded to increase participatory conservation by adjacent villages in Kibogwa ward.

View Loveridge Sunbird project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259841) - Brown teal - Awarded $8,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Brown teal

Monitoring a new population of the endangered pateke [Anas chlorotis] After 23 weeks since their release, 16 pateke [80% of initial cohort are still in the general release area with 3 deaths known. Predator control efforts are being maintained with significant numbers of mustelids being trapped. An experiment investigating which of two lures is most effective is underway

View Brown teal project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510056) - White-backed Vulture - Awarded $10,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - White-backed Vulture

Extent and socio-ecological correlates of illegal poisoning in Namibia - Implications for targeted conservation actions for the White-backed vulture

View White-backed Vulture project