19-12-2017 - false ‘ohe
Seed Ecology and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Hawaiian Endemic Polyscias racemosa (Araliaceae)
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Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 324 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $3,062,451.
Seed Ecology and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Hawaiian Endemic Polyscias racemosa (Araliaceae)
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Cinnamodendron corticosum (Canellaceae) is a popular wild spice tree endemic to Jamaica, reportedly confined to two administrative parishes, and the IUCN Red List classifies the species as "vulnerable.†Considering the species’ assumed small geographic range, local reports of over-harvesting, and published deforestation rates in Jamaica, a systematic in-depth conservation status reassessment, through species-distribution analysis of ...
View Cinnamodendron corticosum project
Empowering the local community to protect an Endangered cycad (Encephalartos macrostrobilus) in Moyo district, Uganda
View Encephalartos macrostrobilus project
Conservation of Critically Endangered cycad, Cycas annaikalensis in India.
Cycas annaikalensis, is the only Critically Endangered cycad species from India, known from only a single population with less than 100 individuals from Kerala state. The goal of this project is to develop a conservation strategy for the, C. annaikalensis by integrating ecological and genetic information.
View Cycas annaikalensis project
Integrated conservation action for the Dominican Republic's threatened Magnolias - M. domingensis, M. hamorii and M. pallescens
View Magnolia domingensis project
The Pepper-bark tree is Extinct in the Wild in Zimbabwe, largely due to habitat loss and over-collection for herbal medicine, however is still survives in a small number of private gardens. The Global Trees Campaign (GTC) will reintroduce this important medicinal tree back into Zimbabwe and facilitate its cultivation in home gardens to generate sustainable incomes.
View Pepperbark Tree project
Addressing knowledge gaps on the distribution and population status for three Critically Endangered species restricted to Silhouette Island (Seychelles).
View Psychotria silhouettae project
The Malabar River lily (Crinum malabaricum) is endemic to approximately 5 km of 4 streams in northern Kerala State, south-west India. The streams arise and flow over laterite outcrops which support a wealth of endemic wetland-dependent plants. This project involved collaboration with staff and students of the Government College, Kasaragod to develop a baseline for monitoring population trends in this species.
View Malabar River Lily project
Conservation of the Critically Endangered Hawaiian species Phyllostegia electra (Lamiaceae)
View Nehe kuhiwa project
Restoring a Mauritian offshore island ecosystem by reintroducing threatened endemic plants; ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Diospyros egrettarum
View White ebony project