23-12-2013 - Moldavian meadow viper
The Moldavian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii moldavica) is a critically endangered subspecies of the Orsini's viper, endemic to eastern Romania. It occurs only in a handful of small sized, highly vulnerable habitats. The main goals of this project are (i) to establish a solid scientific background for the conservation of the Moldavian meadow viper and (ii) holding a raising awareness campaign in the local community.
View Moldavian meadow viper project

23-12-2013 - Lataste's viper
North Africa comprises two closely related viper species adapted to Mediterranean humid habitats, the Lataste’s viper (Vipera latastei) and the Atlas Dwarf viper (V. monticola), for which populations are threatened by habitat loss and climate change. This project is aimed at sampling regions of Morocco where both species have been reported and inferring coherent conservation units based on genetic realms.
View Lataste's viper project

23-12-2013 - Blunt-nosed viper
The nominate subspecies of the blunt-nosed viper (Macrovipera lebetina lebetina) is restricted to Cyprus, where it is frequently persecuted by locals. This survey aims at finding out data about the biology, ecology and conservation status of the viper, including its morphological features, habitats, population data and information on its conservation situation. I am also designing and discussing conservation guidelines for Macrovipera l. ...
View Blunt-nosed viper project

23-12-2013 - Barbados Leaf-toed gecko
The endemic leaf-toed gecko, Phyllodactylus pulcher, was re-discovered on Barbados in 2011 after being assumed extinct for several decades. Data on distribution, abundance, diet and micro-habitat use are being collected, particularly on retreat site characteristics, with views to quantifying the degree of niche overlap with the invasive gecko Hemidactylus mabouia and the possibility of enhancing refugia available in the wild.
View Barbados Leaf-toed gecko project

30-09-2013 - Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle or McCords Long-necked Turtle
The Long-necked turtle Chelodina mccordi is critically endangered under the IUCN red list criteria. The Projetu Lenuk Lorosa’e aims to collect vital information about the biology of the Timor-Leste subspecies (Chelodina mccordi timorensis) for future research and management actions, while bringing awareness about the status of this species at a local and national level.
View Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle or McCords Long-necked Turtle project

30-09-2013 - Dragon Blood Tree's Gecko
Ecology and conservation of the emblematic dragon blood tree's gecko (Hemidactylus dracaenacolus) and Grant's leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus granti) of Socotra Island
View Dragon Blood Tree's Gecko project

30-09-2013 - Black-headed Bushmaster
The Black-headed Bushmaster (Lachesis melanocephala) is one of the world's most elusive vipers and only occurs in a small part of Costa Rica. It depends on continuous forest and is likely declining. However, due to its secretive nature, no status assessments exist. The objective of our project is to test methods for locating bushmasters that can be used to help initiate conservation actions.
View Black-headed Bushmaster project

30-09-2013 - Reticulated Python
Reticulated Python is one of the most exotic and demanded snake which has exported 1.233.343 as skin from 2000-2010 originally from Indonesia. some other amounts was exported in living condition to fulfill pet market demand. this snake separated into three Subspecies based on morphologic, geographic and molecular study (Auliya, 2002). but there are still many different locations which has unique characters yet to be found
View Reticulated Python project

30-09-2013 - Painted Terrapin
The project is aimed to increase the wild population of Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis), critically endangered freshwater turtle, in habitat through securing the eggs from poaching and natural predation, hatching the eggs, raising the hatchlings in headstarting ponds, release the hatchling into habitat, educate villagers to save this species.
View Painted Terrapin project

30-05-2013 - Gharial
This project seeks to assess the status of gharial populations and threats facing them in the Betwa, Ken, Tons and Son rivers (India). In the first phase, we conducted field surveys along Betwa, Ken and Son between February-May 2013, and interview surveys along the Tons in July 2013. The second phase commenced in December 2013, with field surveys and interviews along Ken and Son.
View Gharial project