2,801Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 198 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $1,990,635.

Fish Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212528182) - Tucacas killifish - Awarded $8,300 on December 19, 2021
19-12-2021 - Tucacas killifish

Global status and conservation of Tucacas killifish: the rarest and most restricted fish in the coastal plains of Venezuela. A project where the study of populations and their habitat will be combined with dissemination and awareness for the conservation of the species.

View Tucacas killifish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212526900) - Clanwilliam sandfish - Awarded $12,500 on September 29, 2021
29-09-2021 - Clanwilliam sandfish

Saving sandfish: Tracking the success of conservation translocations to save South Africa’s most threatened migratory freshwater fish

View Clanwilliam sandfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 210527300) - Bombon sardine - Awarded $4,300 on September 29, 2021
29-09-2021 - Bombon sardine

Tawilis Conservation and Consumer Education Program is an action research which is a rapid assessment on community perspectives, awareness and understanding of the conservation of the endangered species. The outputs include a Social Behavior and Change Communication (SBCC) Toolkit and knowledge products about tawilis conservation including associated socio-economic concerns of affected fisherfolk communities. The results are also reflected in the ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202525582) - Great Hammerhead - Awarded $20,000 on December 17, 2020
17-12-2020 - Great Hammerhead

Financial resilience during Covid-19 to conserve endangered species and critical habitats in biodiversity hotspots of India.

View Great Hammerhead project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202524745) - Daisy Stingray - Awarded $10,000 on September 23, 2020
23-09-2020 - Daisy Stingray

Mobilizing Stakeholder Support for the Conservation of Endangered Stingrays at Cape Three Point, Ghana.

View Daisy Stingray project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202524534) - Karomo tilapia - Awarded $10,325 on September 22, 2020
22-09-2020 - Karomo tilapia

Enhance environmental education and conservation actions towards critically endangered Karomo tilapia “Oreochromis karomo” in Malagarasi river, Tanzania.

View Karomo tilapia project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202524276) - Agaria - Awarded $11,875 on September 22, 2020
22-09-2020 - Agaria

This project is aimed at promoting the survival of critically endangered Haplochromis Argenteus fish species in Lake Bisina and the surrounding wetlands in Eastern Uganda.

View Agaria project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202523895) - Bowmouth Guitarfish  - Awarded $10,550 on April 19, 2020
19-04-2020 - Bowmouth Guitarfish

Rapid assessment of the immediate conservation requirements for critically endangered guitarfish in Southern Mozambique

View Bowmouth Guitarfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192522631) - Chambo - Awarded $12,500 on December 29, 2019
29-12-2019 - Chambo

Fish for Tomorrow in Lake Malawi - extension of Ripple Africa's community led fish conservation project into Salima District. This will enable us to introduce the project into one of Malawi’s largest breeding areas for the critically endangered Oreochromis lidole. Local fishing communities are empowered to protect breeding areas, confiscate illegal fishing gear and enforce a closed season for gill net use.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192521809) - Etruscan chub - Awarded $13,500 on September 24, 2019
24-09-2019 - Etruscan chub

The project is aimed at improve the conservation status of two fish species endemic to Italy: the Etruscan chub Squalius lucumonis (Bianco, 1983) and the South European nase Protochondrostoma genei (Bonaparte, 1839). For both species a decreasing population trend is reported (IUCN, 2019). The concrete conservation actions include: alien species eradication, restocking activities to support declining populations, establishment of protected areas ...

View Etruscan chub project