Cerrobravo Frog (Niceforonia adenobrachia)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 13257902

Niceforonia adenobrachia is known only from the locality type, on the Eastern Slope of the Cordillera Central, Colombia. This is a rare species, most likely restricted to this area and considered critically endangered. It occurs under rocks and logs in grasses in paramo ecosystems. N. adenobrachia can be found in pastureland that is usually burned, hence the major threat restricted distribution and habitat loss. There are no protected areas within the range of this species, making habitat maintenance and protection for this species a very high conservation priority.
A monitoring of the reproductive biology, ecology and distribution of this species provides information for conservation. The importance of this ecosystem is that it provides the main source of water for human communities. Knowledge of the biology of this threatened species a priority.
This project proposes to study ecological aspects of the N. adenobrachia, and to train the farmer community. In this sense, the objectives of the project are: 1. Identify the distribution of N. adenobrachia. 2. Stablish the abundance of N. adenobrachia. 3. Characterize the reproductive biology of N. adenobrachia. 4. Evaluate the microhabitat use (diet, microhabitat preferences and activity time) of N. adenobrachia. 5. Promote the conservation of this species with rural communities.
The species was found to have aggregate distributions in paramo ecosystems. Careful reproductive behaviors of the species were studied in detail, in addition to the use of microhabitat and the environmental conditions in which it lives. On the other hand it was identified that the distribution of the species is larger than what had been reported, however the populations of this species and its low abundance suggests that it continues as a threatened species. On the other hand the appropriation of the community of area and conservation strategies worked, the change of attitude and treatment towards the frogs changed on the part of the community. Today in the Cerro Bravo volcano is common the environmental tours and these have represented a change in land use in the volcano.
Project 13257902 location - Colombia, South America