2,980Grants to


Cuban solenodon (Solenodon cubanus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 182518901

Conservation and effective management of threatened Mammals endemic Almiquí (Solenodon cubanus) of the "National Park Alejandro Humboldt".

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 182518901) - Cuban solenodon - Awarded $5,000 on December 24, 2018

The Almiquí is considered one of the world's rarest and most endangered mammals. Their habitat is shrinking and fragmented due to many threats suffered over the past 150 years, a large problem of potential threat to the species is that the largest reserves of nickel are in its distribution range, in these areas many years were carried out mining prospecting that caused damage to ecosystems, another current threat is invasive species of mammals such as dogs, cats, pigs and black rats are present in the area of distribution of Almiquí, some with significant densities, I think it's possible for this project to be contributing: the conservation of the species, since it could gather information about their ecology, reproduction and current distribution, to implement an integrated management plan focused on management actions more real and concrete. In addition to designing an action plan for the control of invasive exotic species in the area Almiquí habitats. Also we work with local communities in various activities to raise the level of knowledge and link to its protection. Further work on the restoration of some degraded areas Almiquí habitats is a great benefit for conservation. In general, all the information gathered will be very useful for handling present and future of the protected area and the species. With this project we propose the characterizing of habitats occupied by Almiquí, update the geographic distribution of the species within the Alejandro Humboldt National Park. We also want to assess the threats posed to the Almiquí to prepare and implement a management plan for the conservation there of including controls of exotic invasive species (dogs and cats feral) their main predators. Besides work on the restoration of some degraded by mining surveys that were conducted in the past, in order to achieve an improvement in these ecosystems that provide habitats for Almiquí areas. Achieve training for all workers of the Alejandro of Humboldt National Park, in the monitoring and management of Solenodon cubanus.We will work together with local communities and decision-makers to ensure the protection of this living fossil.



Project document