2,980Grants to


Dragon tree (Dracaena ombet)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 11051318

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11051318) - Dragon tree - Awarded $4,000 on March 28, 2012

Usama Ghazali, the Egyptian partner and project coordinator will travel to Djibouti as the first phase of the survey, meet with partners and team, standardization logistics and start filed and community work for assessment survey for the Dracaena ombet conservation & threats status in Somaliland & Djibouti, after finish the survey in Djibouti the team leader and member from Djibouti NGO will travel to Somaliland to start the second survey phase and work with Somaliland partners.

The tree and its habitats assessment will depends on using Global Position System for detect and record each tree, take measurements for its healthy and structure, assess the associated trees and the habitats, each tree will take number and save for a database record. For community work we will work with close local community to document the relevant traditional knowledge about the Dragon tree and the area habitats trough interview and group discussion wirh local community. All the survey and community work will documenting by video and images recording.

2 days on-job-Field training for both of Djibouti & Somaliland in each site for the project team members on endangered plants survey and biodiversity strategy will lead by Usama Ghazali, the Egyptian partner to Strength capacity building of partners in Somaliland & Djibouti in monitoring & conservation D.ombet

Prepare a GIS-maps for its distribution & suitable habitats; by collates field data, interview local community and working with local NGOs and regional partners.

Project awareness materials will printed and hand-over for the Djiboutian and Somali partners and team members to help them in carry out the public awareness activities about the D.ombet and the project.

Conduct a school environmental day in one of Somali & Djibouti schools including drawings activities & symposiums. Drawings will shared within schools and through the online Dragon tree conservation forum website. Also number of environmental books as a seed for a Green library will donated for each school in the two countries

Build a Dracaena ombet regional conservation consortium include Djibouti, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan & Ethiopia, by conclude a collaborative agreement with key NGOs & stakeholders & prepare project proposal to assess D.ombet in East & North Africa countries

With participation of partners and project team, we will publish 2 peer-review publications; produce a monthly ''D.ombet consortium newsletter'' and news flash to be disseminated in many mountain e-forums, Bulletins and other E-sources.

D.ombet Regional Assessment Report & Conservation Action Plan will prepare & agree by partners & members, with support form Edinburgh Botanic garden, Bergen university & Dr.Kasass, IUCN former president to review it & help in linking project with IUCN

Assessment report &conservation action plan will hand over & sent to representatives of Egyptian, Djiboutian and Somali partners & key agencies.

Coordination with IUCN Red List Unit in the UK to update the conservation status of D.ombet in the Red list.


Project 11051318 location - Somaliland, Africa