2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 12252149

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12252149) - Dusky Starfronlet - Awarded $10,000 on February 08, 2012

THC Mission: Conserve the species of hummingbirds and biodiversity in Colombia through the integration of research, environmental education and the active participation of the community and the establishment of natural reserves. Objectives: 1. Promote and support research projects that increase the knowledge of the species and their habitat in Colombia. 2. Establish conservation programs with local communities in areas where they impact important ecosystems, to promote a responsible use of the land while conserving the biodiversity. 3. Acquire and protect critical areas for conservation. 4. Establish alliances and agreements with national and international entities for the conservation of species. The Hummingbird Conservancy was established in 2005 as a 501 (3) (c) non-profit organization. The area of the project is located in the western cordillera of Colombia in the states of Antioquia, Risaralda and Caldas at an altitude range of 2400 to 3000 meters on the east slope and 2100 to 3000 meters on the west slope. The Mesenia-Paramillo natural reserve has approximately 2000 hectares in a polygon that has the following coordinates beginning at its highest elevation: 5º28’N – 75º54’W, 5º27’N – 75º53’W, 5º27’N – 75º51’W, 5º28’N – 75º51’W, 5º29’N – 75º52’W, 5º29’N – 75º54’W. The reserve is located within the regional Important Bird Area CO024 Montane Forests of South Antioquia. There are 13 IUCN threatened species in the reserve, including two that are Critically Endangered, making this one of the most critical habitats for birds in all of the Americas. The target species of the project are: Coeligena orina, Henicorhina negreti, Diglossa gloriossisima and Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster. The Andean habitat is composed of cloud forest, humid montane forest and subparamo.

Project 12252149 location - Colombia, South America