Eastern Eggar (Eriogaster catax)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 150511930
Awareness for conservation of Eriogaster catax in Cluj county,Romania, a IUCN Data Deficient Species

Eriogaster catax (Eastern eggar) although present in almost all of Europe, all the known populations in Western Europe are relatively small and isolated. Vigorous populations can be found in Eastern Europe . The populations in the Transylvanian Plains and Plateau constitute the most important pole of this species in the EU. Conservation mostly depends on the management of real populations and potential habitats in Romania. The habitat of the species Eriogaster catax is a priority habitat, protected by the EU legislation 40A0 * Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub (= R3122 Ponto-Pannonic with Prunus spinosa and Crataegus monogyna; Pruno spinosae –Crataegetum Hueck 1931). Due to intensive agriculture, the surfaces in the western part of Europe that were occupied by shrubs have diminished, reducing the populations' effectives.The landscape and traditional agricultural practices of Romania have assured the preservation of considerable shrub areas. These surfaces are vulnerable at the moment due to the agricultural tendencies of expansion and intensification. One of the most devastating agricultural practices for this type of habitat and for Eriogaster catax is the burning of land during spring/autumn to eliminate the withered herbal vegetation.
The overall objectives of the project are:
Mapping potential habitat areas based on GIS modelling
Mapping new Eriogaster catax populations and establishing a database with their distribution
Determining possible risk factors that pose a threat to Eriogaster catax populations
Establishing protection and conservation measures and disseminating the results on local level for the species, in agreement with the traditional agricultural practices
Project documents
- Nests of Eriogaster catax from Turda Gorge
- Nests of Eriogaster catax near Rascruci
- Nests of Eriogaster lanestris from Turda Gotge
- Eriogaster catax caterpillar
- Eriogaster catax nest
Project 150511930 location - Romania, Europe