2,980Grants to


Esalle (Cardioglossa manengouba)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 150511766

Conservation of threatened frogs through habitat restoration in the Muanenguba landscape, Cameroon

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 150511766) - Esalle - Awarded $3,000 on January 15, 2016

The Mission of the organisation is to conserve wildlife and protect fragile environments through research, training, education and community engagements. Objectives: The organization promote Biodiversity conservation through awareness, survey and monitoring. Encourage alternative livelihood to fight against poverty while conserving the environment. To involve communities in the management of forest resources, protect and restore degraded landscapes. To encourage Sustainable Agriculture through Agroforestry. To strengthen capacity building and institutional development through training workshops and seminars. Date of Establishment: The Association For Biodiversity, Research and Sustainable Development (ABiRSD) is a Non-profit organisation founded in 2014, but was given a legal statute in 2015. ABiRSD has a registration number: 392/G37/D14/VOLII/SAAJP with headquarter in Buea. Target Geographical Area: Mountains, Lakes, Forest and coastal water in South West and Littoral. Species; Apes, Monkeys, Amphibians and reptiles elephants.





The proposed Mount Muanenguba Integral Ecological Reserve in the Southwest and the Littoral Regions in Cameroon is rich in biodiversity and there is also the presence of two lakes at its caldera. This mountain is rich in diverse bird’s species, reptiles, mammals and amphibians. Amphibians in the proposed Mount Muanenguba Integral Ecological Reserve are threatened by hunting, habitat fragmentation through deforestation, pollution and slash and burn agriculture prevalent in the area. Amphibians are unsustainably hunted by members of the adjacent Communities particularly long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa manengouba) for their protein in-take. This frog is endemic species in the area. It can be found at water sources as well as farmlands in the area. Its spatial distribution and density in the proposed Muanenguba Integral Ecological Reserve have reduced drastically.

To contribute to the conservation of amphibians in the proposed Integral Ecological Reserve, the Association for Biodiversity Research and Sustainable Development (ABiRSD) carried field trip August and November 2016 for the second half of the project in Kupe-Muanenguba area.

During the trip in August, the local groups were trained on how to establish compost to improve on soil fertility and restore barren lands.  Nurseries were evaluated in Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng. The nurseries are to restore degraded amphibian habitats. While during November an inventory was carried out to identify species and their distribution. From field findings, Cardioglosa manengouba, was found in the female lake.


The goal of the project is to restore habitats of frog species and their relative density in the Muanenguba landscape Cameroon.


·         To carry out survey on frogs, threats and distribution in Muanenguba landscape.

·         To sensitize communities on the importance of frog species, sustainable farming practices and promotes alternatives to unsustainable income generating activities such as poultry, pig rearing, snail farming, mush room farming, fish farming etc.

·         To restore degraded landscape through tree planting in Muanenguba Mountain area.


·         Line transect and quadrate survey method and guided questionnaire was used

·         Sensitization and mobilization

·         On-site demonstration

·         The use of GPS and cameras.


Results obtained


From our field survey and investigation in February and November Cardioglosa manengouba was seen at the female lake at an altitude of 1920 meters which is critically endangered and threatened species, while farmlands around Muabi and Mbat 1724 and 1543 meters respectively are also major areas to other species of amphibians.



-Five nurseries were established in Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng in Kupe-Muanenguba.


-Fifty people were trained on compost establishment to encourage the use of organic fertiliser to improve soil fertility therey reducing the rate at which chemical fertilisers are used.



-Five composts were established in Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng in Kupe-Muanenguba.


-A total 120200 seedlings/trees were transplanted in forest, farmlands, water catchment, river banks and streams in Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng in Kupe-Muanenguba to restore dgraded amphibian habitats.


-Fifty people were involved in transplanting of seedlings.

-Five villages were involved: Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng in Kupe-Muanenguba.


-One sensitization meeting was organized in Bangem in February.

-Three sensitization meetings were organized in February, May and August in Muabi, Mualong, Muasum, Mbat and Ekambeng in Kupe-Muanenguba on the importance of conservation of amphibians and a change of mind set and perception of the people.



The main objective of the project is to restore habitats of frog species and their relative density in the Muanenguba landscape. Amphibian Surveys were to carry out  in the Muanenguba Mountain area. However, other activities were also programmed during the trips. Data collection on amphibians (especially Cardioglosa manengouba) were carried out in February and November. Also nurseries and compost were established. Sensitization and tree planting involved in the restoration of degraded amphibian habitat were also part of the project activities. During field activities, it was realized that apart from the critically endangered Cardioglosa manengouba there also exist two critically endangered species namely; Cardioglosa trifasciata and Leptodactylodon erythrogaster. It was found out that these three species have declined drastically over the last years. Reasons being these species are edible and are rich in protein. The people use them for their protein in-take and even sell them in their local markets. From field investigation it was found that these three critically endangered species could be found elsewhere out of the project site. These sites are; Makim, Ekanjok, Mboko, Nyam, Ndung and Nkiko all found towards Bangem Town West Cameroon. Also in Mbaossoum, Ndokou, Mouanguel, Mboango, Mbouroukou which are found towards Melong and Nkongsamba East Cameroon. So there is the need to extend the project to these sites in term of data collection.  Finally alternative activities such as pig farming, poultry, snail farming, pisciculture, vegetable farming and mushroom cultivation so as to subsidize their protein intake should be seriously encouraged. 































































































Project document