2,979Grants to


Grenada Dove (Leptotila wellsi)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 10251119

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10251119) - Grenada Dove - Awarded $20,000 on November 05, 2010

The entity “Grenada Dove Conservation Programme” was developed at the request of the Government of Grenada in 2007, as its incorporation as an NGO in Grenada is in progress. I have been directing conservation programmes for the conservation of the Grenada Dove since 1991 as an independent consultant, in collaboration with the Forestry and National Parks Department (Government of Grenada), international conservation organizations and institutions (BirdLife International, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and multilateral organizations (World Bank, Global Environment Facility). The objectives of the conservation efforts have been (since 1991), and continue to be, the conservation and protection of the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove and its habitat using research, community outreach, education and a stakeholder participatory approach. The Grenada Dove is endemic to the island of Grenada, and only 2 sites on the island. Below is a map of BirdLife IBA’s for Grenada, of which all except DG004 (centre of island) are the remaining habitat of the Grenada Dove (Bonnie L Rusk, in Important Bird Areas in the Caribbean - Grenada, BirdLife International)

Project 10251119 location - Grenada, North America