2,980Grants to


Grevy`s Zebra (Equus grevyi)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0925585

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925585) - Grevy`s Zebra - Awarded $11,216 on September 01, 2009

Founded in 1995,the not-for-profit Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (LWC) spans 62,000 acres and serves as a catalyst for conservation across northen kenya. Lewa holds at least 10% of Kenya`s black rhino population and the largest single population of Grevy`s zebra in the word(approximately 350 individuals).Through the protection and management of endangered species,the initiation and support of community conservation and development programmes, and the education of neighbouring areas in the value of wildlife, Lewa has become Kenya`s leading model for wildlife conservation on private land, leading destination for low-impact conservation tourism, and leading catalyst for conservation, and its direct benefits for communities, across the region. LWC promotes conservation both within its boundaries and in the ecologically important community-owned areas to its North. LWC also provides support to anti-poaching operations in other private rhino sanctuaries and wildlife reserves in Laikipia District and on Mt. Kenya. One of the fundamental objectives of LWC is to conserve threatened species within its area of operation and provide protected habitats for other species under pressure. The Conservancy supports abundant wildlife including a population of 350 critically endangered Grevy`s zebra, as well as 65 black rhino that represents about 10% of the National Rhino population.


In line with its mission, LWC has used its stock of Grevy`s zebra and black rhino as a source to establish and augment new populations inside and outside Protected Areas in Kenya. Similarly, the Conservancy has initiated a long-term plan aimed at conserving wildlife that takes cognizance of the changing human and wildlife demographic needs and trends in the 21st century with special focus to the endangered wildlife. In line with this plan, Lewa has embarked on a wide range of activities which among others, include improvement of the quality and productivity of grasslands for the benefit of wildlife and with a special focus on Grevy`s zebra using intensive livestock grazing. Cattle are sourced from the neighbouring pastoralist communities in order to achieve cross-cutting benefits that includes ecological and socio-economic returns to the pastoralist communities.

Project 0925585 location - Kenya, Africa