2,980Grants to


Guatemalan Beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 212526908

Guatemalan Critically Endangered Reptile Conservation Program: Ensuring the survival and viability of the Guatemalan Beaded Lizard and Campbell´s Alligator Lizard

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212526908) - Guatemalan Beaded lizard - Awarded $9,000 on January 13, 2022

The Guatemalan Beaded Lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) and Campbell´s Alligator Lizard (Abronia campbelli) are two of the most endangered reptile species in Guatemala and the world, the main threat to both species is habitat loss and degradation. This project adds key progress to our habitat-focused strategies specifically tailored for the long-term survival of Heloderma charlesbogerti and Abronia campbelli.

For the conservation of the critically endangered Guatemalan beaded lizard, we created  a system of private natural reserves enhanced with habitat restoration, for a newly discovered population of the species. For the conservation of the critically endangered  species Abronia campbelli we created a system of biological corridors using family plots to protect, increase, enhance and connect available habitat within a new distribution zone.


The main results of this project are:


Discovery of El Pinal, a new conservation site of extreme value, near our Reserve, for the conservation of H. charlesbogerti. The verification of the presence of beaded lizards in the area, the high quantity and quality of habitat, the new type of habitat, having conditions suited for the reproduction of the species, the research potential, and the high interest by landowners to protecting the area makes El Pinal an area of extremely high conservation value.


Initiation of proceedings to formally declare, as officially protected areas, lands that make up the El Pinal area. This will result in the eventual conservation of 800ha of H. charlesbogerti habitat. Creating a network of protected areas around our Reserve to expand the habitat under conservation management.


63 New families working together to restore A. campbelli habitat.


Closure of 65% of the gap between two distribution zones known for Abronia campbelli. 


20,000 seedlings of key trees species germinated and planted to augment habitat restoration and connectivity for the conservation of A. campbelli.


15 ha of new forest created for the conservation of A. campbelli and the enhancement of more than 20ha of previous reforestations


24 A. campbelli neonates reintroduced to their natural habitat, to support the resilience of the population


Creation of a new community managed nursery for the habitat restoration of H. charlesbogerti


Awareness of 400 school children from local communities about the system of natural reserves and the conservation status of Heloderma charlesbogerti


Project 212526908 location - Guatemala, North America