2,980Grants to


Himalayan grey langur (Semnopithecus ajax)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 14059744

Art and outreach for the conservation of Chamba Sacred Langur (Semnopithecus ajax) in Chamba-Himachal Pradesh, India.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14059744) - Himalayan grey langur - Awarded $1,700 on January 26, 2015

With its dense white fur and black face one would believe that Chamba Sacred Langurs are bold enough to assert for themselves. But unfortunately, it's the opposite that is true. In the mountainous regions of the Himachal Pradesh, India, forest is cleared for agricultural development. Langur habitat shrinks and so do their numbers. Additionally, hungry monkeys are not welcomed by villagers and farmers since they will raid their crops.

This project will support the Himalayan Langur Project in it's mission to save the species. The objectives are to 


1) Provide local people with knowledge of the Chamba Sacred Langur and its habitat;

2) Develop positive attitudes towards the conservation of the species and nature, and

3) Encourage people to enact environment-friendly behaviours. 


The following activities will be implemented to reach the above described objectives:


 - Design, implement and evaluate a conservation education package for school children in Chamba

 - Design and produce outreach material promoting knowledge and conservation of the Chamba Sacred Langur

 - Evaluate the impact and assess the scope for behavioral change of the conservation education package

Project 14059744 location - India, Asia