Idle crayfish (Austropotamobius bihariensis)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 192521379
Conservation of Austropotamobius bihariensis, a novel endemic species discovered in North Western Romania

The main objective of the project is to obtain a conservation status for the species through (i) the evaluation of its conservation status, (ii) assessment of potential threats and prevention of decline and (iii) raising awareness of the general public.
The project brought this new species of crayfish, discovered in north-western Romania, to the public for the first time. Until the start of implementation, very little was known about it. We didn't know the exact range of the species, we didn't know the state of its habitats or the risks it faces. Basically, through the implementation of the project we managed to establish 99% of the species' area, to find out the risks that may lead to its extinction and to elaborate, together with Romanian environmental institutions, a set of conservation measures that will be applied in the future. The project has enjoyed massive support from the media, the public and the relevant institutions. For the implementation of the activities, and despite the COVID 19 pandemic, more than 40 field visits were made for sampling, species and habitat analysis. We have also produced a short video presentation of the species that will be available soon to the general public. In addition, we have started to analyse another invasive crayfish species (Faxonius limosus) which carries a fungus that may cause the extinction of the crayfish.
Project document
- Austropotamobius bihariensis spatial distribution
Project 192521379 location - Romania, Europe