2,980Grants to


Indian long-billed vulture (Gyps indicus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 200525194

Conservation of Critically Endangered Vultures in Nashik, India

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 200525194) - Indian long-billed vulture  - Awarded $5,000 on January 15, 2022

1. Baseline survey of vultures and their nesting sites will be useful for forest department for making and implementing strategies of conservation. 2. Information about which types of NSAID used in area. 3. Information about vultures will be available for local people in native language (Marathi) 4. Training and awareness in schoolchildren and locals for identifying and monitoring vulture roosting, nesting feeding site, rescuing injured birds and their importance in ecosystem. 5. Creating awareness in people for use of safe drugs like Meloxicams for their livestock, 6. Creation of fenced “Vulture Restaurant” for feeding the vultures and protection from nuisance of stray dogs. 7. Identification of possible threats and challenges for conservation vultures. 8. Photographic booklet for schoolchildren, locals, forest departments and tourist for awareness.

Project 200525194 location - India, Asia