2,980Grants to


Indus River dolphins (Platanista Minor)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 14259902

Strengthening the Community-Based Dolphin Conservation Program

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259902) - Indus River dolphins - Awarded $8,000 on January 24, 2015


           Indus River Dolphin have been facing severe threats of extinction in our area due to various factors especially of anthropocentric origin. To reduce these threats especially pouching and accidental killing through fishing net entangle, a community- based Dolphin Conservation through "Dolphin Rescue Volunteers" was developed in previous Project# 13057788. Now for the success of this effort, in this project we are going to strengthen this Community-Based Conservation effort. in order to achieve our aims, we will set up advanced training and increase involvement of "Dolphin Rescue Volunteer" DRV members; introduce a boat-based dolphin monitoring system, increase linkages with management authorities and set up site-based intensive community awareness campaigns . A river dolphin watch program will be introduced in order to make the effort sustainable and for long term conservation of the species in our area.

Project 14259902 location - Pakistan, Asia