2,980Grants to


Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 10051330

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051330) - Javan slow loris - Awarded $4,050 on August 06, 2010

The above decree stated that GHSNP now covered an area of 113,357 hectares spreading  across   three districts in West Java Province i.e. Sukabumi, Bogor,  and Lebak. The area of GHSNP takes shape of a star or fingers laid open. As a result, the GHSNP has much longer borderline than that of round shaped conservation areas. In turn, its management requires more focused efforts too. Moreover, the GHSNP includes some plantation enclaves, traditional villages/community, several gold mines, earth-sourced power plants, and mass tourism. It is said that farmers-traditional and migrant ones- had lived in the area before it was made a conservation area. This, and the fact that GHSNP is currently one of the national parks in Java that has the widest tropical rainforest  ecosystem,  make it a major  challenge for the managers, all interested parties and local community to develop a model for managing a more collaborative and sustainable  area of  GHSNP in the future. Afterall, GHSNP is currently one of the widest tropical rainforest ecosystems among National park in Java.

At present population of slow loris in nature tend to be decreased by habitat destruction and continuous hunting without considering age and sex. The uncontrollable slow loris hunting is to sale them as pet animal. As a result slow loris is now categorized as endangered species and protected by law in CITES convention as Appendix I (Nekaris, 2009 dan Kearis and Nijman 2007). Javan slow loris is an endangered species which included in the IUCN RedList of 25 Most Endangered primate of the World since 2008 (Mittermaier et. Al 2009), In Indonesia since the year 1973 slow loris is a protected species as said on the Act No. 5 year 1990 and Government Rules (PP) No. 7 year 1999. The objectives of this project are:

 ·       To collect data about population and distribution of Javan slow Loris in the study area.

·        To increase a public awareness and involvement on conservation effort of Javan Slow     Loris and its    habitat

·        To determine of potential location for release rehabilitated Javan Slow Loris


The result obtained by the population survey in the 7 sites estimated occurance in range of the 10-15 individuals. The survey results recommended two potential sites which have good habitat and carrying capacity for the release of Javan slow loris and Calobak, Tapos. Awareness public activities to find solutions to prevent the decline in current population of Java slow loris with law enforcement activities.



Project 10051330 location - Indonesia, Asia