2,980Grants to


Kurdistan Spotted Newt (Nuerergus microspilotus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0925805

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925805) - Kurdistan Spotted Newt - Awarded $20,000 on February 01, 2010

Though the native people and villagers have had some education of the negative consequences of unlimited use of fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, the use of these pollutants is increasing and they have a major effect on survival and reproduction of aquatic fauna including N. microspilotus. The total population of N. microspilotus has experienced a dramatic decline and in some habitats in Kermanshah and Kurdistan Provinces, the species has disappeared. To prevent extinction of N. microspilotus field surveys to assess the current distribution of remaining populations, the study of the autecology of N. microspilotus, the assessment of genetic sub-populations, habitat protection, education to improve water quality, and these backed by the establishment of research based conservation breeding populations are required. Besides the prevention of extinction of N. microspilotus our proposed project will assist the conservation of related threatened salamanders in the nearby regions; the protocols and procedures in establishing a conservation strategy for N. microspilotus would provide a basis for other Iranian amphibians. Besides the direct benefits to N. microspilotus and related amphibians the proposed project would provide direct benefit to humanity through increased habitat protection, fauna and flora that rely on the same aquatic habitats as N. microspilotus, and increased community awareness of the value of maintaining water quality. The pollutants affecting water quality are as detrimental to humans as to wildlife. Your generous provision of a grant to support our work will not only provide for the conservation of N. microspilotus, but provide a firm foundation for a multifaceted international program to conserve other amphibians and aquatic organisms in the region, and also the protection of habitat and sustainable use of these valuable aquatic resources for human benefit. It is critic to the conservation of the declining and threatened taxon N. microspilotus to develop and continue our nascent program, and also to take necessary steps for conservation and protection of amphibian populations and their aquatic environments in Kermanshah and Kurdistan Provinces, Iran. An important aspect of this grant application is the development of local community capacity for conservation.

Project 0925805 location - Iran, Asia