2,980Grants to


Lichens (Megaspora rimisorediata)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 14054653

Assessment of Several Epiphytic Lichens Conservation Status and Development of the National Red List for Armenia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14054653) - Lichens - Awarded $5,000 on February 15, 2015The main objectives of the project are: a/ To implement field and laboratory studies of poorly known epiphytic lichen species. After preliminary screening of current literature and available data, the areas of distribution for target species as well as others, which will be considered as a CR, EN or VU will be monitored. The filed trips and further identifications will be carried out. b/ To assess conservation status of the focus and other threatened species in Armenia. Taking into account the literature and obtained research data, the conservation status will be suggested. To enhance the visibility and effectiveness, the participatory planning and implementation with all stakeholders will be the vital for assessment of conservation status. c/ To create National Red List of Epiphytic Lichen Species for Armenia. According to the current format of the Red Book of Armenia and the IUCN guidelines for global and regional assessments, the preliminary National Red List will be prepared, published paper and online versions. The discussion of the draft version will be organized with the scientists, representatives of Ministry of Nature protection, NGOs, policy makers, environmentalists and final version will be officially presented to the interested parties. The application of the preliminary National Red List is very important. The preliminary Red List will be submitted to the Ministry of Nature Protection for official acceptance. The National Red List of Epiphytic Lichens should be considered in the national biodiversity conservation initiatives, forest management plans and strategies, environmental impact assessment processes and as contribution to the 2020 Aichi Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Project 14054653 location - Armenia, Asia