2,979Grants to


Mountain Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 202525119

Involving Communities in Protection and Monitoring of the Critically Endangered Mountain Bongo in Aberdare Mountains Kenya

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202525119) - Mountain Bongo  - Awarded $10,000 on January 06, 2022


Aberdare Mountains which host the bulk of critically endangered Mountain Bongo among other threatened species is also listed in the tentative list of World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO, an Important Bird and Key Biodiversity Area as well as a major water tower in Kenya. Despite the Mountains' importance, they are surrounded by intensive small scale farmers who complement their needs including energy, food and income putting pressure by carrying out illegal activities including: poaching, charcoal burning, encroachment, starting wild fires, collecting firewood, and selling of construction materials like cider and bamboo poles to Aberdare. The main aim of this project is to stabilize and increase the population of Mountain Bongo and optimize protection of the Aberdare through community involvement. Specifically, the project shall:1. Identify, train and engage community members adjacent to Aberdare Mountain on strengthening Mountain Bongo Surveillance and monitoring. 2. In depth ecological study for the Mountain Bongo to establish intensive protection sites in Aberdare Mountains 3. Document community knowledge and perception on status trends and threats towards Mountain Bongo 4. Reduce major threat of poaching to Mountain Bongo by optimizing community participation through use alternatives income sources to poaching 5. Write and print a simplified Mammals of Aberdare pocket guide highlighting uniqueness, habitats and threats to biodiversity. 




Project 202525119 location - Kenya, Africa