2,980Grants to


Myanmar star tortoise (Geochelone platynota)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0905381

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905381) - Myanmar star tortoise - Awarded $4,800 on August 01, 2009

Established in 2008, IMC is registered with the UK Charity Commission. Headquartered in London, it has offices in London and Yangon, Myanmar, where its 10 staff are based. IMC's mission is to prevent the extinction of the Indo-Myanmar Hotspot’s globally threatened wildlife through the design and implementation of community-based conservation projects and to contribute to the active participation of civil society in biodiversity conservation. IMC focuses on species that are both highly endangered and whose global populations are restricted (or largely restricted) to the hotspot. Within the Indo-Myanmar Hotspot, IMC focuses on Myanmar, the hotspot’s largest and most biologically important country. Of the hotspot’s 197 plant and animal species defined by IUCN as Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR), the highest threat categories, 74 (38%) live in Myanmar. But Myanmar’s fantastic array of wildlife is disappearing rapidly in the face of habitat loss and unsustainable hunting, much of it for export to China. For more information, go to www.indomyanmar.org.

Project 0905381 location - Myanmar (Burma), Asia